Pretty amazing.
I don't think it was the same show but I did see something recently that showed the army using small remotely operated fixed wing aircraft that could be carried in the soldiers backpack and launched anywhere in the 'field', a huge tactical advantage there. The fixed wing is a more robust & efficient design but those mini-copters are very cool, VTOL and HD video while hovering/flying around!
This is the one that I saw -> but a bit pricey though at $35,000 each or $250,000 for the 'whole kit'.
Ent wrote:New form of hi tech skeet shooting might be the answer? Just kidding.
Great idea, I just had me a vision of all the shooters now allowed in National Parks running around blasting drones... Yeah, now thats' a way we could make some good money out of all those under-utilised resources!
(Just Joking)
ALWAYS be yourself.
Unless you can be outside, then ALWAYS be outside.