Historic Structure Survey, Cradle Mountain Region

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Historic Structure Survey, Cradle Mountain Region

Postby Overlandman » Sun 09 Jun, 2013 4:49 pm

From ABC News

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-06-09/c ... ection=tas

A conservation group is calling for a heritage survey to be carried out in Tasmania's Cradle Mountain region so historically significant structures can be protected.
European settlement on Cradle Mountain dates back nearly 200 years but there has never been a heritage survey of the area.
Peter Sims from Friends of the Cradle Valley says a heritage survey is vital or important buildings will fall into disrepair.
"Unless these buildings are properly assessed by the Heritage Council, they can easily fall off the radar," he said.
Diane Snowden from the Heritage Council says the survey would focus on buildings that are not already protected.
"It would cover places that aren't covered as part of the World Heritage Area and the National Park," Ms Snowden said.
John Wilson from Friends of the Cradle Valley says time is running out for many of the older buildings.
"A lot of the buildings up here are actually wooden and that creates a certain urgency of its own because timber doesn't last forever," he said.
"I think the heritage buildings that have been kept in Tasmania, a lot of them are stone."
The Heritage Council says it is open to the possibility of surveying the region, but members of the public need to nominate which buildings should be protected.
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Re: Historic Structure Survey, Cradle Mountain Region

Postby corvus » Sun 09 Jun, 2013 8:55 pm

G'day Overlandman,
Where were all of those concerned "friends" when Simon Cubit organised a few of us to "adopt" some huts in the Reserve like Kitchen Hut which from memory the Mersey Rover Scouts adopted and Old Pelion Hut which my son and I were involved with (was never finished) plenty of talk from, with respect Messieurs you and you but never saw any of you on the job back then for not a difficult job other than carting the new long replacement bench top for Old Pelion, a re stump floor fix ,preservative paint ,window reglaze, just ran out of time to Paint the Roof and install the Small Canopy over the door,job unfinished I believe and happy to assist with its completion if organised.
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