crollsurf wrote:Don't panic, go bushwalking.
Seriously, this has nothing to do about you dying. Your young...
Moondog55 wrote:I might go bushwalking when Cecile starts working from home so I don't distract her from her job; but it might just be some car camping
I have to go shopping later today so I might just try the bandanna and see what reaction I get......
crollsurf wrote:Don't panic, go bushwalking.
"One of the reasons we're not encouraging people to use them is because they may actually be giving people a false sense of security."
While some people wear face masks in a bid to reduce the number of times they touch their nose and mouth (therefore reducing their risk of infection), Dr Seale said it can also have the opposite effect.
crollsurf wrote:Don't panic, go bushwalking.
Seriously, this has nothing to do about you dying. Your young and healthy. It's all about slowing down the contagion so there are enough respirators to go around and medical staff don't have to make life and death desicions about who gets treated and who doesn't.
If we do it right everyone who needs treatment will get it. Less deaths than the seasonal flu. Let's hope.
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myrtlegirl wrote: also wonder about virus-laden droplets from the air being held against your face - a bad thing.
Moondog55 wrote:Well actually no. I'm no longer young, not as fit as I should be and it's possible I have an underlying medical condition that makes chest infections much worse for me that the general population. Turns out my mother had 3 siblings that died from Cystic Fibrosis in the '30s and she never bothered to tell any of us
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