andrewbish wrote:2. I will find out about the #%*! thick vegetation BEFORE I go.
3. I will take more food, not less.
Both of those sound like very sensible NYRs. With regards to 2, I'm going to make more effort to find walking partners before taking on any more walks that involve scrub bashing. Solo, it's just not fun, not even to look back on.
"Do it now!' has been a NYR of mine for the last 5 or so years and designed to overcome my tendency to procrastinate (munyana for our Spanish readers) and with even a 30% success rate, it's made a significant difference (avoiding late payments fines etc).

But now I'm beginning to realize that things like bushwalking are not getting any easier as you get older and not to keep putting off doing long and hard walks or it may not be too many more years before they get out of reach. The wisest advice that the old have ever given the following generations is 'You're only young once'. By the time you get to your mid 60s, it's time you started to take notice