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apia? funeral plan

Sat 20 Jul, 2013 11:31 am

I was disappointed to find an add for above on this site, i am sick of seeing on tv and them ringing me up.

Told the last one that rang to go and organise his b... own first and bug..... off


Re: apia? funeral plan

Sat 20 Jul, 2013 12:40 pm

AdBlock Plus is your friend.

Re: apia? funeral plan

Mon 22 Jul, 2013 11:17 am

As is the Do Not Call Register

Re: apia? funeral plan

Tue 23 Jul, 2013 4:01 pm

The don't call register is only good if They respect it. They are under no obligation to do that.
That's what I was told by one of the callers.
I am on that register and it doesn't stop the calls.

When those bods rang up the other day I told him I'd give them a ring when I kicked the bucket and get a price then.

Re: apia? funeral plan

Tue 23 Jul, 2013 4:07 pm

unlisting your ph no might not help either, mines unlisted, i was still being rung, some companies at least take known numbers and change the last digit to find unlisted no's.....

Re: apia? funeral plan

Tue 23 Jul, 2013 6:46 pm

taswegian wrote:The don't call register is only good if They respect it. They are under no obligation to do that.
That's what I was told by one of the callers.
I am on that register and it doesn't stop the calls.

There are exemptions to the do not call register:

Once your numbers are listed on the register, telemarketers and fax marketers must not contact you.
Some groups can still contact you after you register. These include charities, research companies, political parties and educational institutions.

We are on the register. If we get a marketing call, I ask them for their details and then ask them if they have heard of the DNC register. Usually they can't get off the phone soon enough. :D

Re: apia? funeral plan

Tue 23 Jul, 2013 7:53 pm

I am also on the DNC Register but still get some calls no big deal I just say thank you but no thanks ,so what is the problem here with answering the phone when it rings?? :lol:
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