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Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 6:05 am

I wouldlike to move to Tasmania and live there, but where.

I want to live off the grid and in an Isolated area, with lotss of trees and a place with a decent amount of sun and rain for my off grid needs, would be nice if it was close to a State Forest, reserve ect.

I have a friend who lives south of Mt Victoria and he seems to like it there.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 9:45 am

First, you need to have a fairly good idea of your water needs - are you planning to be relatively self-sufficient in growing your own food? How much water do you use for personal consumption? (that includes, drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry, cleaning). If you don't already do so, I would start monitoring your consumption from now to get an idea of how much you use and possibly ways you could cut down your water consumption. This will give you an idea of how much rainfall you will need per year to support your projected consumption. Then, look at the Bureau of Meteorology climate data for various areas in Tasmania and make your decision based on the rainfall statistics. Doing this, you will learn the eastern half of Tasmania is drier than the western half and Hobart is the second driest capital city in Australia.

Regarding off the grid - you need to know down to the last watt how much power all your appliances use. I would also suggest a combination of solar and wind (lots of wind in Tassie) Our residence is entirely off the grid, but I'll let hubby explain the intricacies of that. I will say you need to be very disciplined about what you switch on when.

We ended up in the northern part of the state, south of Devonport based on the projected rainfall requirements for our intended agricultural pursuit.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 9:57 am

Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:

Personally not a huge fan of the northeast, but...

I love Flinders Island and it would be my pick for "off grid". Rainfall can be limited, but everyone I know over there survives with tanks. Trees are also rather limited, especially good ones.

Or for even further off grid there is Cape Barron Island!

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 10:08 am

sthughes wrote:Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:

Wow, a square km of land for $140k! But what do you do with it?

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 11:08 am

GPSGuided wrote:
sthughes wrote:Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:

Wow, a square km of land for $140k! But what do you do with it?

Not even worth that IMO. Have you ever been to Bronte Park?!

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 11:14 am

GPSGuided wrote:
sthughes wrote:Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:

Wow, a square km of land for $140k! But what do you do with it?

You put up signs threatening trespassers!

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 11:50 am

doogs wrote:You put up signs threatening trespassers!

LOL. Will need a lot of signs and guard dogs.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 1:23 pm

I have thought about living off grid and will be using all 12 volt appliances, the only thing that will be on 24/7 would be a small fridge/freezer, 12 or 24 volts.

Would have maybe at least 2 10,000 liter water tanks for my water needs and hopefully a spring,stream,creek for backup water.

I am not rolling in cash, so I want some land for 50 grand or under, so maybe 5 to 50 acres rural based, I have been looking at the real estate websites and see some that could be ok, but wont need to decide for about a year, hopefully in a year some nice property will pop up, I don't intend to buy it untill i go out and have a look, but it is nice to browse now and dream :)

Thanks all.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 1:54 pm

Damn...why am I bothering saving for a house deposit in overcrowded expensive sydney?

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 2:02 pm

perfectlydark wrote:Damn...why am I bothering saving for a house deposit in overcrowded expensive sydney?

You probably could buy 4 plots already with your present saving. Turn them into your consecutive camp sites on a multi-day walk! :mrgreen:

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 2:19 pm

We are selling up and leaving Perth to move to Tasmania next year.

We won't be buying but this thread has raised some interesting areas.

When rent tops 75% of your income, its time to move on.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 2:43 pm

I think I should report this topic to the mods and get it locked or removed before Tasmania gets overcrowded with all the people trying to get away from it all.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 2:59 pm

perfectlydark wrote:Damn...why am I bothering saving for a house deposit in overcrowded expensive sydney?

jobs in Sinny > jobs in Tassie

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 3:25 pm

Try sth of Hobart, i hear there are some good people down there?

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 3:37 pm

I quite like the idea of the Cape Barron Island block.

Although access may be a bit difficult and construction options limited. But surely a boulder outcrop or so would give some protection for a solo tent.

When I win lotto.....

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 4:07 pm

You've got a lot of isolated properties for sale in the North, I've seen plenty South of Bakers Beach, on Bowens Road. The North-East, between Ben Lomond and Mt William NP has got a lot of private properties in the middle of huge forested areas (that's where your friend is). Areas around Mole Creek or Maydena also look very nice, but the weather may be too wet for your taste. If I had to choose, it would be on the Tasman Peninsula I think. You can get both the forest and the beach, but I have no idea about the price, it could be steeper than less developed areas. It would be probably less expensive near small towns like Stormlea or Highcroft. But I'm guessing prices have dropped since the last bushfires.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 4:24 pm

Off grid is not hard... If you can, pick a property with river frontage. I use a combination of photovoltaic and wind, only a few hundred watts each, and get by without much problem. I don't use anything with a heating element. Hot water is via a wood stove wetback, though I do have an uninstalled solar water heater that needs to get installed for this summer. I also have a nano-hydro system that I plan to test.

Check your rainfall stats through BOM, parts of Tassie are very dry, Hobart being the second driest state capital behind Adelaide.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 4:35 pm

I'd pick the west coast. I've always dreamed of a pole house in the rainforest just off the Lake Plimsol Road on a knob near the turn off to the Murchison Power Station with views over the Murchison River valley to the mountain ranges beyond. However there's no privately owned land in there.
Otherwise there's Lees Paddocks and also a private patch of ground right at Talinah Lagoon I wouldn't mind owning. Dream on. ;-)

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 4:45 pm

Son of a Beach wrote:I think I should report this topic to the mods and get it locked or removed before Tasmania gets overcrowded with all the people trying to get away from it all.

All the people that have come to the west to get into it all is whats forcing us away.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 5:59 pm

All nice being off-grid. But can I still get NBN? ;)

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 6:10 pm

John Sheridan wrote:...the only thing that will be on 24/7 would be a small fridge/freezer, 12 or 24 volts...

Probably better to consider a 3-way (12v, 240v, gas) fridge/freezer than something that runs only on electricity.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 6:13 pm

Are you retired/self-employed? Lucky bugger!

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 04 Sep, 2013 7:03 pm

GPSGuided wrote:All nice being off-grid. But can I still get NBN? ;)

Well the little town I live in was due to get the NBN install starting in October. I'm off the grid, but I was still expecting to have access to it.

But of course the Nasty Party will probably get in on Saturday and that will be the end of that.


Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Thu 05 Sep, 2013 12:36 am

Clusterpod wrote:All the people that have come to the west to get into it all is whats forcing us away.

As a West Australian couldn't agree more, we bought a block in Tasmania last year just have to sort out building and moving etc. Apologies to all you Tasmanians but your secret is well and truly out! Perhaps we can work out an exchange I'm sure there are some amongst you who might enjoy the climate in the West that way Tassie won't get too crowded. :D

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Thu 05 Sep, 2013 11:31 am

Have you thought about spending a year renting a cheap shack/cabin/batch that is already setup for "off the grid" living and is in the climate zone you think you would move to? Then you can get an idea of how it feels but have the opportunity to go back to the mainland or find another location if it isn't what you expected. There are a lot of affordable blocks of land in relatively ideal locations for getting off the grid so you will still have plenty to choose from if you decide to stay after a trial period.

I looked into this last year, found a lot of great blocks of bush but, being realistic, I know I will never settle down anywhere so I gave the money I put aside for buying my own land to some conservation groups to protect more land.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Sun 08 Sep, 2013 5:33 am

My budget is 50 grand or under for the land, and would probably buy a cheap caravan something like 10 grand and put it there to live in, hopefully with one that has a solar system built in like the Aliner caravans, at least enough power to run fridge and my portable solar system to charge my phone and laptop.

Would build a proper place when I have the time and decide what to build, might even get permision from the council, though if remote probably don't need to, was thinking a log cabin or earthbag house, leaning towards log cabin, I can cut my trees down and mill my own wood with a mobile mill like I have seen on the youtubes :)

I am kinda retired well in a year when my place is paid off would rent it out and move to tassie and live on the rental money, should be more than enough plus my savings, well that's the plan, can always sell my place in the city if things go bad :o

Not sure how hard it would be to get some decent land for only 50 grand would like about 10 acre's at least with a spring some pasture and mostly bush, maybe a river or stream, a lot to ask for 50 grand I guess, must be remote as well, I like my loud music :p

Thanks all.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Sun 08 Sep, 2013 7:30 am

Nuts wrote:Try sth of Hobart, i hear there are some good people down there?

Seems like a personal attack to me, but i'll let it go for now.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 4:03 pm

Nuts wrote:Try sth of Hobart, i hear there are some good people down there?

The problem with the south is there is a price premium on land down there, there are to many "artisans" which push the prices up. Unless your prepared to go along way south

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 9:58 pm

John Sheridan wrote:I wouldlike to move to Tasmania and live there, but where.

I want to live off the grid and in an Isolated area, with lotss of trees and a place with a decent amount of sun and rain for my off grid needs, would be nice if it was close to a State Forest, reserve ect.

I have a friend who lives south of Mt Victoria and he seems to like it there.

Thanks for any suggestions.

I lived in the hills outside of Cygnet in the Huon Valley (Nichol's Rivulet). This region is very much Tassie's owner-builder, permaculture, green-living region.
Cygnet's an awesome town with the best small folk festival in Aus and great food and lots of interesting people.
I'm Happy to provide more info on the region. I only left Tas because the GFC created a forced migration (public service cuts) back to the mainland.
I'm assuming you know Tas and the issues associated with Off Grid living there and have spent time there in the winter?
The amount of properties I saw being snapped up in late spring and then sold six months later was astounding. If you haven't lived in Tas then I highly suggest you rent for 12 months first. This also gives you a chance to explore, find work and firm up a commitment to the region.

BTW when I was looking at Tas, Lachlan, outside of New Norfolk, caught my eye as also having many OB houses. But there is apparently a bit of an issue with NN being a bit of a petty crime hotspot with home break-ins and property damage.
You won't go wrong in Cygnet though - great spot!
Good luck - let us know how you go. I'm always envious of anyone moving to Tas.

Re: Tasmanaia where to live ?

Wed 18 Sep, 2013 8:06 am

I would have to agree with Steve, I have lived in Cygnet for 10yrs now but being fairly popular the prices aren't that 'cheap'. NBN has just arrived. You could pick up a bush block in the hills nearby which may suit your needs for not too much though. It's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, or even approaching landowners.
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