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New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threatened

Fri 13 Sep, 2013 3:39 pm ... ness-18077

What country are we living in that a newly elected government is so keen on undoing everything the previous one did that they'd want to cut a few trees in a World Heritage Area with the pathetic excuse of "boosting the industry" ? This will be met with fierce opposition in the Tasmanian public opinion, and will strongly damage the new government's reputation. Not to mention that it's illegal... I was recently talking about how the legislation regarding the conservation of our environment is very weak in Australia, now it seems that even when there is a law, the government doesn't care. It follows on the recent story about the Victorian government who refused to put in place conservation measures for endangered species, and is facing trial in front of the supreme court...

As said in the Conservation's article, "the closest parallel to a government deliberately damaging World Heritage values is the Taliban dynamiting two giant Bamiyan Buddha statues in 2001.", which was met with strong indignation from Australia... How hypocritical...

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Fri 13 Sep, 2013 4:03 pm

It was clearly stated by Abbott the libs would do this. (fedited)

Good people are mobilising and he won't get away with it.
Last edited by stepbystep on Tue 17 Sep, 2013 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Fri 13 Sep, 2013 4:36 pm

Well I can't find anyone who admits to voting for them but I have a feeling my opinion would alienate green voters as well (as the majority already at odds).

Regardless, we either do or don't talk politics. The rules say we don't:

4. Political content unrelated to bushwalking is not permitted, either for or against any particular issue, party, person or organisation.

So there is some room for interpretation there but given the spirit of that rule I'll lock this one as well for now.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 10:34 am

Edited and opened. Please stick to the issues. Avoid comments causing obvious offense etc etc

Personally, I too think it is a sad, ridiculous outcome- that areas even remotely considered worthy of WHA status can be subject to political play, nevermind areas already set aside.

I don't like the comparison to the actions of Taliban and think this is an unnecessary exaggeration... what is behind such 'sloganism'... politics? :shock:

I don't know the extent of changes or boundaries and what changes practically mean given area, time-frames, reserve status... This would be a good direction to head- helping members here understand what these decisions actually mean.. immediately, practically..rather than projections and precedents (just a suggestion).

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 11:28 am

The boundaries are available on the LIST web mapping service.

The following link will take you to an area near the Western Tiers and has had three layers added - the WHA boundary (including most recent extension), the existing reserves plus the future reserve areas. ... arkId=7418

I am not aware of what the new government has said about which areas they may wish to remove but this map should help show the areas in question and the boundaries.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 2:45 pm

tastrax, do we need to make a copy for future reference, in preparation for them taking it down?

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 4:08 pm

As its the official mapping system for the state it will always reflect the latest so if a govt decision is made to change things then it will be reflected in the map. I dont think there is any way of getting a suitable download (of all the boundaries etc) but you can print the pages.

DPIPWE retains archives of these things for posterity I suspect. Other agencies get access and updates on a regular basis

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Tue 17 Sep, 2013 5:25 pm

Stupid, stupid idea in my opinion. Even stupider than "axing the tax" and FTTN. If only the Yanks still had a stupid Texan at the helm we could start a war somewhere while we're at it. :roll:


Fri 11 Oct, 2013 4:12 pm

(Mod Edit- Merged Topics)

EXTENSIONS TO THE TASMANIAN Wilderness World Heritage Area could be under threat if the Coalition Government progresses its plans to have recently protected forests removed from the World Heritage List.

In June, the World Heritage Committee extended Tasmania’s iconic 1.4 million hectare wilderness area by 170,000ha. The Coalition Government plans to try to have parts of this extension delisted. More than two-thirds of the extension is made up of former State Forest. If the Tasmanian Liberal Opposition is elected in the March 2014 state elections, they intend to reopen these areas for logging. ... listed.htm

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 4:40 pm

Under the "no politics" clause, I can't realistically make any emotional comments.

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 4:48 pm

hint - use the emoticons in the full editor option :evil:

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 4:49 pm

There's already my old controversial topic : viewtopic.php?f=10&t=14837

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 4:53 pm

:twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:

Ok, I feel better now...

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 4:57 pm

a bit vague, but I'm psychic enough to guess what you're thinking...

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 5:09 pm

Psychic powers... That's truly a gift!

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 8:03 pm

I wish I was Psychic. I'm only psychopathetic.

Re: world-heritage-tasmanian-forests-could-be-delisted

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 8:07 pm

Psy-chic would be nice, but may get a bit too kinky.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Fri 11 Oct, 2013 8:48 pm

GPSGuided wrote::twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:

Ok, I feel better now...

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Tue 10 Dec, 2013 1:47 pm

If you're on FB, this lot are mobilising to stop the windback. 'Like' them if that's your thing. ... n=timeline

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Thu 24 Apr, 2014 7:55 am

If this issue has got under your skin as it has mine this weekend is the time to become active and show your agitation.

This is happening Sunday.


The facebook event page is here with all you need to know. There is a bus from Launceston, the Huon and Hobart.

There will be coffee and snacks available, music from the Christopher Coleman Collective (they are fab) and others. If your a Home and Away fan(or your kids are) the lovely Lisa Gormley will also be speaking. After the rally there will be guided walks you can take part in. It is a family friendly, inclusive day of peaceful protest to let UNESCO know the people stand against this.

A media release happened yesterday with this new short film, put together entirely by volunteers dedicated to the cause. ...

If you are on the big island or can't make it, make your feelings felt by posting on social media with a selfie, a sign of support, your favourite image or story from the TWWWHA and use the #IStand4TasForests hashtag.

You can also join this group for ongoing information as to how things progress and to see images of the rally and these stunning forests

It's organised by the Bob Brown Foundation and a huge team of volunteers have been working behind the scenes to make this happen. It'll be beautiful. I hope to see you there. :D

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Thu 24 Apr, 2014 9:00 am

We will be attending - just look for the bald guy with 2 cute little kids.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Thu 24 Apr, 2014 11:56 am

simonm wrote:We will be attending - just look for the bald guy with 2 cute little kids.

Cool. I'll see if I can get a shot of you. I'll be the bloke with short brown hair taking photos.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Thu 24 Apr, 2014 12:56 pm

I'll keep a look out.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 2:03 pm

Hope the rally went well, we made it about 3/4 of the way but had to turn back, kids weren't well. We are enjoying the drive though, a bit of snow up on the Highlands.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 6:52 pm

2000 of the best. *&%$#! great day. Life affirming stuff.
Too bad re the kidlets :(

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:30 pm

Well done those attending!

No biffo though :( .. times are changin'

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:49 pm

Glad it went well.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 8:21 pm

Nuts wrote:No biffo though :( .. times are changin'
Not sure I get that...

Is this right?

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 10:32 pm

icefest wrote:
Nuts wrote:No biffo though :( .. times are changin'
Not sure I get that...

Is this right?

lols, no tried not to talk about Mr Abbott.

I really hope some BWA people turned up. It was really just about caring for and preserving beautiful old growth forest ecosystems. If you were there message me and I'm happy to give you some images.

Cheers, Dan.

Re: New World Heritage listed areas in Tassie already threat

Sat 17 May, 2014 11:25 am

The World Heritage Committee has been advised to reject the bid to delist Tasmanian WHA -> ... st/5459444
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