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Tue 04 Feb, 2014 8:00 am
Is it just me......something that really gets up my nose is links to facebook that we who don't wish to sign up and expose our lives to the world can't access.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 8:35 am
Totally, totally, totally agree.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 8:41 am
+1000. I find it really irritating when people assume that everyone is on Fakebook.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 9:13 am
It is possible to sign up under any name you want, and give sod-all personal information, you know.
Gets you access and maintains your privacy.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 9:46 am
north-north-west wrote:It is possible to sign up under any name you want, and give sod-all personal information, you know.
Gets you access and maintains your privacy.
I think you would have to have a different email address. I tried exactly what you suggested but with my normal email address - but spelt my name differently. I didn't tell anyone I was on Facebook but within 2 days I had friend requests from people I know. After that I closed my account and haven't been back on since.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 10:17 am
Guess what it may be closed but it's still stored on their server.................biting my tongue now very hard.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 10:56 am
neilmny wrote:Is it just me......something that really gets up my nose is links to facebook that we who don't wish to sign up and expose our lives to the world can't access.

<old fart mode -on>
Not just you !! drives me crazy too. The last thing I want to do is give any of my personal details to Facebook so they can sell them to the entire planet !
<old fart mode - off>
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 11:40 am
neilmny wrote:Guess what it may be closed but it's still stored on their server.................biting my tongue now very hard.
The only (correct) info they have is my email address which I rarely use. I have 2 other email addresses (including business) so if I needed to I can just delete my 'Facebook' email address. Not a huge problem.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 11:57 am
No worries MickyB my comment was really about
so called account deletions on various
web "services" so I hope it didn't look like I was having a go and apologies if it did.
I signed up for something else, which shall remain nameless, which I later closed under the impression from an FAQ on the site, would be expunged from existance within a period of time. I somewhat later signed up again under a different login using the same email address and it wouldn't let me because there was already an account using that email address................not quite deleted for all time it would seem.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 12:09 pm
neilmny wrote:No worries MickyB my comment was really about so called account deletions on various
web "services" so I hope it didn't look like I was having a go and apologies if it did.
No problems at all neilmny.
I would never use my main email addresses for anything like Facebook (not that I will ever be on Facebook again).
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 1:21 pm
Why would any one care if someone cares to use it. It's actually really great for keeping in touch with old classmates. Some fake it but you don't have to. Friend only those who are real friends.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 2:28 pm
I couldn't give a rats razoo GPS if people want to give personal details away for someone to use.
The point was why post a link to something that is supposedly for all to view but on a site which
requires you to be signed up member before you can view what the link points to.
It is the same as me posting links to other forums where you won't get to view what I've
linked unless you become a forum member.
Not everybody wants to be on facebook or for that matter a member of some my favourite forums.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 2:53 pm
like BPL links ?
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 2:57 pm
I don't know the specific case you are referring to Neilmny, but it could well be unknown to the original poster who posted the link. Just like some web sites and forums these days, it may require membership. If such is the case, then just move on. No need to lamb blast everyone in the path. Storm in a tea cup I say. Fact is, there's a good number of normal people who use FB/Twitter/LinkedIn amongst others.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 5:15 pm
Its just cool to hate facebook. As long as you understand privacy policy its like any other community you have to sign up to. Plus as gps says good for keeping in american wife would be nuts without it
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 5:17 pm
I wouldn't have a wife without it!!!
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 5:24 pm
MickyB wrote:I think you would have to have a different email address. I tried exactly what you suggested but with my normal email address - but spelt my name differently. I didn't tell anyone I was on Facebook but within 2 days I had friend requests from people I know. After that I closed my account and haven't been back on since.
Sign up with a disposable email address. If Facebook doesnt accept it, find one it does. There are plenty of these services to choose from. Here's a few for starters:-
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 5:30 pm
Seems like a strange thing to be whinging about. Either get on it or dont. You cant have it both ways.
If that's the worst thing that's going on with you then you have it pretty good.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 6:22 pm
And so the personal attacks begin. I love it.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 6:23 pm
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Seems like a strange thing to be whinging about. Either get on it or dont. You cant have it both ways.
If that's the worst thing that's going on with you then you have it pretty good.
Didn't think I was whinging about it. Simply answering north-north-west's question about signing up under any name you want. The only reason I originally signed up was to get access to info that I couldn't get as a 'non-member' (similar to the OP). I had a couple of friend requests in 2 days and thought there was no point accepting them if I wasn't going to use Facebook anymore so I closed my account.
Last edited by
MickyB on Tue 04 Feb, 2014 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 6:27 pm
ILUVSWTAS wrote:If that's the worst thing that's going on with you then you have it pretty good.
To say something like that to someone you don't know is very low. You don't know anything about me or any of the s#%t I have been through in my life.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 6:31 pm
MickyB wrote:. Simply answering north-north-west's question about signing up under any name you want. The only reason I originally signed up was to get access to info that I couldn't get as a 'non-member' (similar to the OP). I had a couple of friend requests in 2 days ...
I have at least 20 outstanding friend requests at any one time. I usually ignore them. Occasionally I'll go through and tell fb I don't know the people, and the requests go away. Big *&%$#! deal.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 6:36 pm
north-north-west wrote:MickyB wrote:. Simply answering north-north-west's question about signing up under any name you want. The only reason I originally signed up was to get access to info that I couldn't get as a 'non-member' (similar to the OP). I had a couple of friend requests in 2 days ...
I have at least 20 outstanding friend requests at any one time. I usually ignore them. Occasionally I'll go through and tell fb I don't know the people, and the requests go away. Big *&%$#! deal.
If you are going to quote then quote the whole sentence
MickyB wrote:I had a couple of friend requests in 2 days and thought there was no point accepting them if I wasn't going to use Facebook anymore so I closed my account.
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 8:45 pm
It's the same as many other things in our modern day lives that our society impels us to have. I tried for years to go without a mobile phone and credit card but I eventually I had to give in. It's near impossible these days to go without them. Facebook on the other hand is losing credibility with the yoof of today and it will be the older folks who use it to stay in touch with friends and family to keep it going. Unfortunately I am sliding into that bracket, but I can graciously accept that as many of my friends and family live overseas and it has helped me to stay in touch with those who I would have probably lost contact with. It's good and bad at the same time, for me the good edges the bad so I'm a Facebooker!!
Tue 04 Feb, 2014 8:59 pm
FB is just a tool of the 21st Century, amongst other social media services.
Once upon a time... Something really gets up my nose with these 6 digit numbers my friends kept on giving me, expecting me to reach them by dialing these digits on a thing called a telephone. As if they expect me to have one. No, I refuse to be labelled by a 6 digit number! They can write to me and address me by name on a letter.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 3:13 am
MickyB wrote:ILUVSWTAS wrote:If that's the worst thing that's going on with you then you have it pretty good.
To say something like that to someone you don't know is very low. You don't know anything about me or any of the s#%t I have been through in my life.
Goodness you guys need to toughen up a bit.
Nielmny you cant handle ANY kind of retort aimed at you, so get over it.
Micky, I wasn't referring to you, you didnt start the thread, you wern't the only one commenting on the thread, what the hell makes you think i was addressing your reply out of the many.....
Get a grip people.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 5:14 am
Get a gripe people.
I fixed that for you.
Talk about your 1st World problems, eh !
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 5:37 am
neilmny wrote:Is it just me......something that really gets up my nose is links to facebook that we who don't wish to sign up and expose our lives to the world can't access.

Even worse, is when businesses have more information on Facebook than they do on their website - I have encountered that quite a few times, including such basic information as opening times. The problem being if they set up their page incorrectly and it can't be viewed without signing on. Although you would think they would have all the relevant information on their website, but no, that is too much trouble it seems.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 5:41 am
ILUVSWTAS wrote:MickyB wrote:ILUVSWTAS wrote:If that's the worst thing that's going on with you then you have it pretty good.
To say something like that to someone you don't know is very low. You don't know anything about me or any of the s#%t I have been through in my life.
Goodness you guys need to toughen up a bit.
Nielmny you cant handle ANY kind of retort aimed at you, so get over it.
Micky, I wasn't referring to you, you didnt start the thread, you wern't the only one commenting on the thread, what the hell makes you think i was addressing your reply out of the many.....
Get a grip people.
You draw a very long bow lad I can handle intelligent disagreement and as far as the the comment on personal attacks goes it was tongue in cheek
reference to the need of certain members of the forum (prior to your comment) to attack the person instead of the topic. I really don't care if it gets personal and I don't
resort to personal attacks myself. I find it laughable that some just can't put a point of view without the attack.
You know nothing about me young fella just my opinion of this particular topic.
Oh and wacko facebook turned 10 yesterday??? was it, wonderful, happy birthday facebook.

That was big these days is facebook rumour and twitter twaddle...............
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 5:56 am
Picaro wrote:ILUVSWTAS wrote:
Get a gripe people.
I fixed that for you.
Talk about your 1st World problems, eh !
I'm with you Picaro!
Do I see many of you getting your back up over clearfell logging in OUR ancient forest ecosystems, dumping vast quantities of waste on OUR Barrier Reef, mining in OUR Tarkine, ripping up extensions to OUR WHA? All in OUR name, by OUR Government?
No, we get our backs up over an entirely optional social media device...
PS neilmny, take a look back at your various posts in that other thread, you continually made personal attacks on the 'Tasmanian elite'. Hypocrisy is another fabulous first world option, non?
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