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Wed 07 May, 2014 7:24 pm
After coming into the house to find that my teenagers hadn't cleaned up, I went on a bit of a rant and told them that they now had to tidy up the whole house. Part of that was to throw some of the paper and empty cardboard boxes into the fire.
When I went looking for my three newly purchased woolen thermals, I was a tad upset to find out where they ended up

. Even more surprised at how much burnt, which was nearly all of them. I really did expect to get more warmth of my new purchases than I did get and frankly for that price I can get a whole lot of firewood which to be honest does a far better job when used that way
Wed 07 May, 2014 8:00 pm
I'm sorry about the loss.

Did you see whether they melted or charred?
I like wool around a fire as it tend to dry and crumble and not melt into the skin - be careful warming up cold feet by the fire.
Wed 07 May, 2014 8:55 pm
Elastic bit melted and rest dry/crumble I suppose it's the best way to describe it, have to remember it was in a paper bag and a cardboard box but certainly burnt remains weren't like globby. Definitely not burst into flames type of scenario.
Wed 07 May, 2014 9:48 pm
walkon wrote:Elastic bit melted and rest dry/crumble I suppose it's the best way to describe it, have to remember it was in a paper bag and a cardboard box but certainly burnt remains weren't like globby. Definitely not burst into flames type of scenario.
Sounds like you were not scammed and the product was exactly as sold.
I hope you can find some good specials for replacements.
Fri 09 May, 2014 5:54 pm
Personally, I'd take the cost of the replacements out of the teenagers' pocket money.
And ground them until it's all paid for.
AND make them do all the cleaning for that period - under either strict supervision or the understanding that any similar stuff-ups will merit an even harsher penance.
Or just skin them alive, tan the pelts, and make myself a nice coat out of them.
Fri 09 May, 2014 5:56 pm
north-north-west wrote:Personally, I'd take the cost of the replacements out of the teenagers' pocket money.
And ground them until it's all paid for.
AND make them do all the cleaning for that period - under either strict supervision or the understanding that any similar stuff-ups will merit an even harsher penance.
Or just skin them alive, tan the pelts, and make myself a nice coat out of them.
I hope you never become a parent.
Fri 09 May, 2014 6:02 pm
Strider wrote:north-north-west wrote:Personally, I'd take the cost of the replacements out of the teenagers' pocket money.
And ground them until it's all paid for.
AND make them do all the cleaning for that period - under either strict supervision or the understanding that any similar stuff-ups will merit an even harsher penance.
Or just skin them alive, tan the pelts, and make myself a nice coat out of them.
I hope you never become a parent.
Way ahead of you - I'd decided it wasn't an option by the time I reached my teens. And given that I'm now 56, it's not too likely to be an issue in the future.
But what is wrong with the concept of expecting people to accept responsibility for the result of their actions? If they're your kids, it is your duty to teach them right from wrong, and help them to become decent, responsible adults. And that means setting limits, and making sure they understand the implications of transgression.
Fri 09 May, 2014 6:11 pm
By all means treat them consequences. But being a dick head toward then teaches them far more negative things than this.
Fri 09 May, 2014 6:36 pm
Strider wrote:By all means treat them consequences. But being a dick head toward then teaches them far more negative things than this.
I don't consider what I said being a *&^%$#@!. They're plenty old enough to learn to that the world doesn't revolve around them and that they have to take care with other people's belongings.
Fri 09 May, 2014 6:42 pm
Accidents happen.
Fri 09 May, 2014 6:54 pm
Accidents happen more frequently when you're not being careful. And when you're dealing with someone else's property you have a responsibility to be much more careful than with your own.
This is hardly the place for a discussion on appropriate ways to raise children. If you don't like my sense of humour or my attitudes, ignore my posts.
Fri 09 May, 2014 7:09 pm
You're already on my ignore list but the fact you posted made me curious.
Fri 09 May, 2014 9:43 pm
Lol the end result was a mixture of your suggestions. At the time instead of skinning them and making a nice coat I just walked away and we had the discussion when I calmed down. Now nnw, when you took off on your camping holiday that you kept secret from your parents, how angry were they and what was your punishment. To Be a fly on the wall, I so reckon that you would have been a handful.
Fri 09 May, 2014 9:55 pm
walkon wrote:...Now nnw, when you took off on your camping holiday that you kept secret from your parents, how angry were they and what was your punishment. To Be a fly on the wall, I so reckon that you would have been a handful.
You don't want to know. I carry the scars to this day . . .
Sure I was. But by the age of ten I was more responsible & self-sufficient than most thirty year olds today. Of course, it was a different world back then.
Fri 09 May, 2014 11:20 pm
Well that explains a lot.
Sat 10 May, 2014 7:04 am
north-north-west wrote:walkon wrote:...Now nnw, when you took off on your camping holiday that you kept secret from your parents, how angry were they and what was your punishment. To Be a fly on the wall, I so reckon that you would have been a handful.
You don't want to know. I carry the scars to this day . . .
Sure I was. But by the age of ten I was more responsible & self-sufficient than most thirty year olds today. Of course, it was a different world back then.
I don't think it's that different now nnw. One of my customers is a 21yo girl who has been living on her own for 6.5 years. She's a remarkably well balanced mature individual. I guess being responsible for your own life does mature you earlier
Sat 10 May, 2014 7:25 am
Been living on her own since 14.5? Deserted family?
Sat 10 May, 2014 10:50 am
Just under 15 and sometimes anything is better than staying at home.
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