Well each to their own I guess, that's what makes bw.com diverse!
While I know this particular video is not in Australia, I can just imagine this guy doing this on a two storey building, falling on his head and being wheelchair bound at taxpayer expense for the rest of his life. I'd rather my taxes pay to support people in need, rather than those afflicted by stupidity.
Thank God it's not in Australia, actually. If it were, the family would sue the high rise builder because the 6' fence was only 5'11", claim millions of dollars damages from the builder, they'd go bankrupt, and then the building would be completed 5 years late at double the projected cost!! Got to love Australian law.
Hope he starts obeying the law before he is dead. In the meantime, cheap entertainment I guess!
He wont fall and rely on taxpayers..if he falls hes gone. Hes not walking on 2 story buildings. I think hes nuts and some spots i guess people below could be at risk but makes for thrilling (and scary) watching. I heard hes in hiding after vandalising some russian monument or something.. (hes ukranian). Not sure of the validity of that rumour
well this is interesting. for the first time in a year today this guys account is active. theres a mention that he is in fact inprisoned and has been since the latest stunt (a ukranian flag over some russian monument). gets all political and all that but yeah, apparently the bloke is in fact in a russian prison somewhere essentially 'dissapeared'
i may have been slightly incorrect on that previous post blame the wine so instead heres what Mustang Wanted actually posted today
"Ukrainian flag on the Kotelnicha river bank, Moscow This happened almost a year ago. As a result- six innocent people were arrested and still remain jailed. After some time Russia added me to the international wanted list. The video was sold to a Russian propaganda news channel Lifenews for $5000 for one week. This money was transferred to Donbass batallion defending Ukrainian territories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5yan4z6Wps"
The video link is in there (its not really worth watching but there it is)