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Anzac Day 2009

Sat 25 Apr, 2009 8:55 am

I notice a number of people up early this morning on the forum.
Did you go to the dawn service? Anyone going to the march?
I went to the dawn service in Devonport this morning - a really good crowd there. The girl from St Brendan Shaw college did an exceptional job with the speech she read.
It was really nice to see the weather was fine, allowing so many to be there. When I left home there was a really bright star in the east, one of the brightest I have seen. It had a magnificent halo around it, quite touching really.
It's great to see so many coming to pay their respects to our fallen and to recognize the job our servicemen and women do. Though as referred to in the prayer, if peace was in the agenda of all and everyone could accept everyone as their brothers and sisters and treat them as such, there would be no need for armed services. A funny old world.
Share us your Anzac Day moments - what are you doing with the day?

Lest we forget.

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sat 25 Apr, 2009 9:44 am

Dawn Service At St Marys. I have been going to it here since I left the Army. I t has been getting larger every year. Good to see. I feel the dawn service is more important than the morning service.
188545 Sgt Roger Norton

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sat 25 Apr, 2009 9:53 am

norts wrote:188545 Sgt Roger Norton
Congratulations to you, Sgt! yes it is good to see the dawn services getting larger and larger - certainly noticed that in Devonport. You hear the older folk talking about how good it is to see so many younger folk there.

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sat 25 Apr, 2009 8:15 pm

The Dawn service is No less important (sorry) than the 11am service that I have been attending for around the 40+ years I have been in Tasmania and not one" Remembrance" should be considered more than the other.

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sat 25 Apr, 2009 10:52 pm

I play in the band so I attend the Forth and Ulverstone services every year. Before that I was in the Latrobe Band so used to do Latrobe, Railton & Sheffield. Before that was cubs and just the Latrobe Service. I'm 24 and by my reckoning I have been to at least 32 services :shock:
After all that it's a special and hugely important day in my opinion.
For me ANZAC day is as much about remembering what the true costs of going to war are and hence why it's so important we strive to never let our mistakes of the past be repeated. Gallipoli might be where it began but to me it's so much more than that.
As a Gen Y I've never had my freedom threatened, never had to fear for my life or the lives of my family and friends and I have never lost loved ones to war. I've always had the privilege to vote, to be educated, to travel, to protest and to speak my mind openly and without fear of reprisal. For all of this I have the ANZACs to thank. So thank you, and happy ANZAC Day all you old (and new) diggers :wink:

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sun 26 Apr, 2009 6:07 pm

Yea sthughes exactlly how I feel and I really love how some of you genY take this on board and knowing you through the Strollers you are a credit to your generation.

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sun 26 Apr, 2009 7:16 pm

While not Tassie i took my girls 5 and 9 a 3.5 hour drive to the dawn service in Martin place then watched the march. A few years back i had my own private dawn service on my tent platform at Kia ora. I think you can show your thanks , appriciation and respect where ever you may be on Anzac day.


Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sun 26 Apr, 2009 8:51 pm

I took my 8yo daughter into Launceston for her to March for the second year running, having learnt about the Anzac's this past week at school she was very keen to do it again and stay for the service where here school laid a wreath. I was very proud of her participation and her take of it.

Re: Anzac Day 2009

Sun 26 Apr, 2009 9:37 pm

Sparky wrote:I took my 8yo daughter into Launceston for her to March for the second year running, having learnt about the Anzac's this past week at school she was very keen to do it again and stay for the service where here school laid a wreath. I was very proud of her participation and her take of it.

Well done and thank you .
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