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I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Wed 02 Dec, 2015 11:28 am

Interesting video and story from ABC
Also click on the Wombat story
Regards OLM ... an/6990760

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Wed 02 Dec, 2015 3:31 pm

I never knew that either. Thanks for posting Overlandman. Just discovered that there are lots of videos of them swimming on YouTube.

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Wed 02 Dec, 2015 6:08 pm

I guess it makes sense, being the closest living relative of the playtypus and all.

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Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Thu 03 Dec, 2015 12:09 am

Perfect nose for snorkeling.

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Thu 03 Dec, 2015 6:04 am

Do the spines have flotation benefits?

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Mon 21 Dec, 2015 2:44 pm

I spotted this fellow waddling out to sea at the far end of Norman Bay Wilsons Prom on the Melbourne Cup weekend just gone. Spoke with a ranger on the following day and he said it was the 3rd report in a few weeks. He only went in up to his head in the surf then after some 10minutes or so headed back to the dunes.
wombat waddling into surf.JPG
wombat in surf.JPG

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Mon 21 Dec, 2015 6:40 pm

Nice Pics :) I Thought all animals had the ability to swim.

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Mon 21 Dec, 2015 8:33 pm

corvus wrote: I Thought all animals had the ability to swim.

Interesting. I had to use Google to see if you were right. There are not many animals that can't swim. Some that can't include Gorilla, Orangutan, Hippo and Giraffe.

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 5:24 pm

MickyB wrote:
corvus wrote: I Thought all animals had the ability to swim.

Interesting. I had to use Google to see if you were right. There are not many animals that can't swim. Some that can't include Gorilla, Orangutan, Hippo and Giraffe.

What!! Hippos cannot swim ?? so what are they actually doing in the water :lol:

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 5:27 pm

Taking a dip and walking in water?

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 5:30 pm

MickyB wrote:
corvus wrote: I Thought all animals had the ability to swim.

Interesting. I had to use Google to see if you were right. There are not many animals that can't swim. Some that can't include Gorilla, Orangutan, Hippo and Giraffe.

If you do a proper check you will find evidence of all of the other Animals you mentioned actually Swimming :)

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 5:33 pm

corvus wrote:
MickyB wrote:
corvus wrote: I Thought all animals had the ability to swim.

Interesting. I had to use Google to see if you were right. There are not many animals that can't swim. Some that can't include Gorilla, Orangutan, Hippo and Giraffe.

If you do a proper check you will find evidence of all of the other Animals you mentioned actually Swimming :)

Yeah. You probably can. I just went off the info from a couple of sites. I found there was a lot of conflicting info :roll:

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 7:34 pm

GPSGuided wrote:Taking a dip and walking in water? ... popotamus/

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 10:31 pm

Even sloths can swim, much to my surprise. Plenty of evidence on YouTube. Koalas too!

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Wed 23 Dec, 2015 9:47 am

So does this make human the only animal that can't naturally swim, a learnt skill?

Re: I didn't know Echidnas Could Swim

Tue 05 Jan, 2016 8:59 pm

Ive seen emus swim across the Glenelg river in front of me, quite a bizarre thing just seeing their heads and neck above the water. I recently saw another case of them on Facebook the other day. So I guess that most animals can swim. (except the stone fish).....
Many years ago 20 or more I saw an ABC doco on echidnas swimming.
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