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Outdoor sound recording device

Wed 18 Mar, 2020 11:00 am

We have had a complaint re our dogs barking. I think it’s largely related to a cat located in a property over the back fence. The fence is in poor condition so we’ve secured loose palings so there are no points where they can look through, amongst other things. And yes, the dogs are well exercised daily.
Obviously the barking only occurs when we’re not home. I’ve had a quick look and most recording devices seem to be apps using your iPad, iPhone etc.
Does anyone know of a not-too-expensive device which is able to be used outdoors? Don’t need video, just sound.

Re: Outdoor sound recording device

Sun 09 Aug, 2020 7:52 pm


Re: Outdoor sound recording device

Sun 09 Aug, 2020 8:03 pm


The day prior to my original post, was the day I started working from home. Still doing so, and likely to be for some time.

So dog barking not currently an issue.... might be tho when I eventually head back to the office.

Re: Outdoor sound recording device

Sun 09 Aug, 2020 9:03 pm

you could rig up a sound actuated switch microphone going into a cassette player

Re: Outdoor sound recording device

Sun 09 Aug, 2020 9:09 pm

or if they bark at a certain spot near the fence you can make up a pressure sensitive mat to turn on the cassette
two pieces of aluminium foil glued to a doormat separated by a non conducting spring separator

Re: Outdoor sound recording device

Mon 10 Aug, 2020 7:23 am

.....or just stockpile some dog poo along the fenceline. That tends to lessen the appeal of the area.
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