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One question for the medicos

Sun 29 Mar, 2020 9:29 am

I got to thinking last nite and I am wondering if the old pre-antibiotics treatments for pneumonia would assist with the current situation?
Patients prone on a tilted bed to use a gravitation assist to and cupped hand chest beating to help dislodge mucus. Both still being used I think with people suffering with Cystic Fybrosis

Re: One question for the medicos

Sun 29 Mar, 2020 9:42 am

Yes, chest physiotherapy is still used concurrently with other medical therapies and is an important part of treatment. Even for ventilated patients, there are now prone position ventilation amongst other physical positioning choices. All aimed at clearing of the mucus stuck in the airways. Bronchial lavage is another that’s occasionally used.

Re: One question for the medicos

Sun 29 Mar, 2020 9:48 am

Is this something anybody could assist with assuming a little training?

Re: One question for the medicos

Sun 29 Mar, 2020 10:44 am

Not really. Areas used for COVID-19 patients are all isolation areas and one ideally should have hazmat suits and PPEs to enter. Not a walk in area for all.

Re: One question for the medicos

Sun 29 Mar, 2020 9:16 pm

Edit - question already answered.

Re: One question for the medicos

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 7:47 am

ICU Nurse friend said that proning is a last option and complicates many other things, to be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Re: One question for the medicos

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 9:26 am

CasualNerd wrote:ICU Nurse friend said that proning is a last option and complicates many other things, to be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Yes but it may be the only option left when the number of ventilators run out

Re: One question for the medicos

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 12:29 pm

CasualNerd wrote:ICU Nurse friend said that proning is a last option and complicates many other things, to be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

It's a clinical decision by the ICU/respiratory specialists in charge. There are specific indications for this approach and has been applied there in China and other locations. We don't have too much experiences with it here in Australia.

Re: One question for the medicos

Thu 16 Apr, 2020 10:05 pm

We used to prone ARDS patients in Charles Gairdner hospital 10 years or so ago. The research is ambiguous as to how well it works. It is a right pain in the *&%$#!, and potentially dangerous to prone a tubed patient.
It's no magic pudding.
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