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Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever Had!

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 2:50 pm

Last Saturday I went to see my sister's new (but very old) house in Geeveston. The property needs a lot of work. One of the barns was well beyond repair and full of timber and blackberry, so it was decided that the easiest way to deal with it would be to burn it down. I was asked to help burn down the barn. How cool is that?

I've gotta say that everyone should burn down a derelict building every once in a while. It is excellent for the sanity and stress levels.

(I'm also very pleased that they're moving back to Tassie from England, and even more so that I'll have somewhere to stay very close to some of the South West walking tracks! :-) ).
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Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 2:52 pm

PS. I was surprised how long it took to burn. I guess it was quite water logged. Those photos represent a time period from mid-morning to late afternoon. It produced a very intense heat for a while though!

A barn razing can be a lot of fun. And it's a lot less effort than a barn raising.

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 3:27 pm

That looks so cool Nik! Who hasn't fantasised about burning down a building at some stage? It would be a fantastic aid to combating stress and just plain old fashioned fun. :D (It wasn't heritage listed was it?)

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 3:52 pm

We burnt down a couple of sheds when we renovated our house. great fun. Something about blokes and staring at a fires.

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 4:07 pm

Geeveston eh? Apparently the bodies get buried under the blackberries in the barn :wink:

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 4:18 pm

Son of a Beach wrote:I've gotta say that everyone should burn down a derelict building every once in a while. It is excellent for the sanity and stress levels.

Agreed! feeding the bonfire that became of old new pelion, wickedly satisfying mo ha ha

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 06 Jul, 2011 6:30 pm

Nice! I imagine some fuel was involved. Burning houses will always be fun..

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Thu 07 Jul, 2011 11:40 am

Nick S wrote:<snip> Burning houses will always be fun..

The Launceston Walking Club had a lot of fun playing with fire and gunpowder when they made one of their "Mad Movies" in the late 1970's for their "Do You Know Tasmania" shows. It was a favourite repeat feature in shows ever since. It is now available on the LWC's DVD's Volume 1. Here's a snapshot of some frames from the movie.

LWC Movie 'The Hut'.jpg

Anyone interested in obtaining a copy, here's the link to further information -

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Wed 13 Jul, 2011 8:57 pm

All that good firewood wasted. If you're going to pollute the atmosphere you should at least get some practical use out of it.

Re: Burnt Down a Building in Geeveston - Best Fun I've Ever

Thu 14 Jul, 2011 9:02 am

north-north-west wrote:All that good firewood wasted. If you're going to pollute the atmosphere you should at least get some practical use out of it.

I consider it to have been very practical. Not only did it provide a fully day of amusement, it also kept us toasty warm all day on a very cold day. Stuff the carbon credits!
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