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Australian Government bows to the almighty Dollar

Thu 07 Jul, 2011 11:17 am ... omment5874

Read the comments in the link...this Government has no backbone to follow through with anything that matters.

Re: Australian Government bows to the almighty Dollar

Fri 08 Jul, 2011 6:10 am

I'm not really one to discuss politics.

My boss is a Kiwi, he was telling me that several years ago the NZ gov decided to no longer export animals to several countries as live export - I respect a country that will make a firm decision such as this to put the dollar as a second priority. This does of course affect a lot of jobs and infrastructure for the NZ economy, so no doubt it was a very important decision to make.

I wonder if 4Corners could ever have seen the impact their article would have.

Re: Australian Government bows to the almighty Dollar

Fri 08 Jul, 2011 9:06 am

Ludwig his cronies and MLA(and myself) all know what goes on with this trade long before 4 Corners piped in, it's barbaric and sadistic. Spineless hollowmen.
Personally I never expected anything else. :(

Re: Australian Government bows to the almighty Dollar

Fri 08 Jul, 2011 9:08 am

Area54 wrote:I'm not really one to discuss politics.

My boss is a Kiwi, he was telling me that several years ago the NZ gov decided to no longer export animals to several countries as live export - I respect a country that will make a firm decision such as this to put the dollar as a second priority. This does of course affect a lot of jobs and infrastructure for the NZ economy, so no doubt it was a very important decision to make.

I wonder if 4Corners could ever have seen the impact their article would have.

Yes NZ has shown in the past that it has the fortitude to make the ethical decision on a range of issues. NZ now exports processed meats to many countries INCLUDING Indonesia. Something that we could easily have ramped up....
I so wish we had the same strength in our Government.

4Corners and more importantly the lady behind the 4Corners expose' was Animals Australia's own Lyn White, she knew how large this would go as of her experience in showing similiar footage in the past regarding sheep and cattle in the middle east. Unfortunately the Australian Government has decided not to take it far enough...animals will still die by being tripped and tied down when exhausted and then having their throat cut whilst fully conscious and then take up to 2 minutes to die...thankyou Australian Labor Government for showing your lack of disrespect to animals.

The Greens voting base is expanding each year.

Re: Australian Government bows to the almighty Dollar

Fri 08 Jul, 2011 5:06 pm

This is a Forum for Bushwalking not a outlet for Political Opinion.
I also do not approve of this Slaughter method and abhor any form of animal cruelty but keep Political comment out of the Forum please.

Re: Australian Government bows to the almighty Dollar

Fri 08 Jul, 2011 5:51 pm

corvus wrote:...not a outlet for Political Opinion.

Agreed, indeed it is against the forum rules. See rule 4.
Political content unrelated to bushwalking is not permitted, either for or against any particular issue, party, person or organisation.

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