I came across this link that shows a live camera feed of a sea eagle’s nest in Sydney. There is an eagle sitting on a couple of eggs. I imagine there will be chicks soon Since the majority of people on this site are clearly into nature in some way or another, I think some might be interested: http://bird-o.com/2011/07/05/sydneys-ol ... -eagles-2/
photohiker wrote:I'm impressed how clean the eagles keep their nest. Just watched the changing of the guard...
My wife saw that, it's quite mesmerising if you stick with it for a little while, funny to see the twitchers comments from all over the globe on the ustream site http://www.ustream.tv/seaeagles
Fantastic link, Pteropus. Discovered this late at night when the eagle was sleeping. Gentle rise & fall of the body confirming it was a live feed! ...checking in after breakfast in the morning!
I watched them change guard a couple of times yesterday. Once, the one in the nest just didn't want to move. The other guy was patiently walking around the nest, and then progressively impatient standing very close shifting back and forth from right to left leg while the one on the eggs looked the other way and seemed to avoid eye contact. Eventually he/she just stepped right on down almost on top of the other until it moved. It took several minutes. Very entertaining.
At night there's only one in the nest. I wonder who has to find another bed and if it is the same arrangement every night or they take turns
Stibb wrote:I watched them change guard a couple of times yesterday. Once, the one in the nest just didn't want to move. The other guy was patiently walking around the nest, and then progressively impatient standing very close shifting back and forth from right to left leg while the one on the eggs looked the other way and seemed to avoid eye contact. Eventually he/she just stepped right on down almost on top of the other until it moved. It took several minutes. Very entertaining.
At night there's only one in the nest. I wonder who has to find another bed and if it is the same arrangement every night or they take turns
Today I saw a change of shift, and it pretty much went as you described Stibb. I started watching again just now, and one of the pair returned to the nest with a fish!
It sure is now! Seems to be fluffier every time it appears, and now getting more adventurous with it's explorations. A terrific time waster for a dull Sunday, but much more fun than working on tax return Second hatching expected on Tuesday - it's going to be a long wait.
I still occasionally check the eagles out during procrastination time...today the male eagle brought a live silver gull (sea gull) back to the nest. Approx 25 seconds into the clip, the gull is put out of its misery, then both parents went away with it to prepare a feast for the chick.
On you tube ->
(Edit - Finally worked out how to embed the clip!! )
(having to re-discover how to embed the youtube clip again......... ...... despite doing it the same way as previously, its not working so I am putting up the whole url instead......if someone can inform me why it is not embedding when I add everything after the "?v=" that would be good ->[youtube]LoPHbT7os6s&feature=channel_video_title[/youtube] )
You don't need to add everything, just the group of letters after the "?v=" and before the first "&". Using the video you posted for example. The whole URL is: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPHbT7os6s&feature=channel_video_title". You only need to paste the "LoPHbT7os6s" bit in between the youtube tags.
Produces this:
It took me few goes to work it out. I hope this helps.