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Fri 16 Sep, 2011 3:59 pm
G'day all
This one is about to be released. Worth a look to spot some of our stomping grounds. They spent an afternoon filming at Mt Field, and I was very impressed with the leftovers from the catering crew.
Fri 16 Sep, 2011 6:10 pm
Binder, thank you Mate. Wow. Good movies come out of Tassy ... spoken as a Mainlander.
... but unless it stars George Clooney or Steve Martin, as Alexander "the Pieman" Pearce, the infamous convict who lived in the 1830s and possibly the antecedent of many of the well-fed here, who survived by eating other Taswegians ... all current moving epics, absolutely pale?
I know about Tassy, I've seen your other movies too. Why do cannibals feature a lot?
PS, You guys should have made Monkey Puzzel, it was as typically Sydney-sider as-lame-as ... the tightness of the Blue Mountains would have seriously benefited from having Tassy's grandeur and a few real seriously stalking feeders.
PSS, "I left the food out and a Possum ate it" .. yeah right! "Where is Bob?" He was here, with a Taswegian but appears to now be missing. Oh dear!
Wed 28 Sep, 2011 12:56 pm
Just had a look at the epk of the film which shows behind the scenes etc.
Very funny bit where they went up Mt Wellington to film in the snow, took an hour to set up a shot in shocking conditions got ready to roll, snow stops and out comes the sun
Some stunning footage of our island, opens tonight in Hobart at The State, quite a few Tasmanians were employed as crew and extras. Worth a look from all reports.
Wed 28 Sep, 2011 2:09 pm
Yep, looks interesting. Hopefully not another
Dying Breed 
, as much as I enjoyed the location shots in that. I listened to a radio interview up here this morning with Willem Dafoe. Unfortunately little substance in the questions asked, so not much info revealed about the film.
Wed 28 Sep, 2011 2:33 pm
Some friends that worked on Dying Breed and Arctic Blast(and were embarressed with both) have seen it already and are really happy. Well cast, looks great and although not a world beater is world class. I'll be paying my $$$.
Sun 02 Oct, 2011 10:09 pm
Looks really interesting. Does anyone know if the movie will be shown in cinemas outside of Australia?
Sun 02 Oct, 2011 10:44 pm
We went to see it tonight. Predictable and certainly not ground breaking but I still really enjoyed it. Fantastic scenery of course. Also loved the cinema, State Cinema in North Hobart. Fantastic little place! Not sure if it will be screened there after tonight as I think some other big cinema will take over

Was trying to see if I could recognize any places. I thought there was a shot of Cradle Mountain from the "wrong" side but I think I'm wrong but the Florentine valley protest camp was hard to miss. Oh, and Hobart airport

I know they were up at Mt Wellington too but I couldn't tell. I'm sure you "Where am I" champs will do a
lot better.
Mon 03 Oct, 2011 2:47 pm
I saw it the other night at the state, it was an ok movie, i wouldnt watch it again though. Nice to see some Tas spots on the big screen. mostly shot in approx 4 locations. Something that bugged me but probably not others, was the linking of complely different locations. i.e leave house at the foot of mt roland, drive through National Park, then Forentine and park, walk up to the top of devils gullet and then your at the king william saddle.
and they also do a top job at hiding evidence of human occupation
Mon 03 Oct, 2011 3:23 pm
frenchy_84 wrote:Something that bugged me but probably not others, was the linking of complely different locations. i.e leave house at the foot of mt roland, drive through National Park, then Forentine and park, walk up to the top of devils gullet and then your at the king william saddle.
Compared to other places around the world with natural beauty, relatively speaking, it is all that close here in Tassie!
Tue 04 Oct, 2011 9:16 am
G'day all
I was approached by the production company about filming in the Western Arthurs. They wanted to film on a specific date (one fixed date that couldn't be changed), for a sunset shot (with clear skies) a sunrise shot (with clear skies). Apart from the usual restrictions about using helicopters, logistics etc, the thought of being able to pick two clear weather windows in the Arthurs, a month in advance would have won an Oscar for best fiction !
Tue 04 Oct, 2011 10:44 am
Binder wrote:.....the thought of being able to pick two clear weather windows in the Arthurs, a month in advance would have won an Oscar for best fiction !

Sci-fi fantasy?
Thu 06 Oct, 2011 11:28 am
The ABC movie show gave this pretty good reviews last night (4 stars each I think) which doesn't seem to match with peoples initial reports here. I'll probably try and see it sometime this weekend. Maybe you need to not be from Tas so you aren't analysing the locations etc too much.
Thu 06 Oct, 2011 5:15 pm
I went to see The Hunter at the Burnie preview. The Producer had a Q&A afterwards.
The continuity was a problem if you had walked in places as old Willem had managed to move over a couple of hundred km's in a few seconds as you went from shot to shot. The fun of try to thing of the Grand Chancellor in Hobart being in France was a bit of a hoot as well.
My wife thought his pack looked all wrong, he seemed a bit brave with some of the gear he was wearing, I was amused that he could light fires where ever he went, and I admired his ability to get a gun, traps and 12 days worth of food in the pack. I note he did use a bivvy and may have shot some food. But these little annoyances are about pedantry rather than germane to the plot. I was very amused to see some of the "regulars" at the National Park pub - they were there earlier in the year when I had tea there.
The film is sloooooow. The plot builds and you really have to work out most of the story for yourself. A lot of the story is left unsaid, and you have to join the dots yourself. It is also a bit predictable. Some of the cinematography is great - particularly some of the helicopter shots.
I think Margaret and David giving it four stars is a bit much - but I can think of alot worse films that I have seen this year; it is well worth a look.
But as the credits point out - you are not aloud to use traps and snares in Tasmania, but, it seems, that it is okay to shoot bad guys and hide their bodies.
Thu 06 Oct, 2011 6:01 pm
Margret and David are notorious for over-scoring Australian films, 2.5 from me
There are plot and predictability issues, continuity re. landscapes is irrelevant for the non-tasmanian non-bushwalking community(99.99999% of the planet

The truly GREAT thing is, technically it looks great with many Tasmanian's involved in the crew and most importantly it's not a total dive of a film like some other recent attempts filmed down here, a major plus for the local industry. So yes. not a masterpiece, but a very positive thing!
Some may be interested the late and very great ABC chopper pilot Gary Ticehurst ... al/2862206 was responsible for some of the fantastic aerials. A very nice legacy for a man who loved Tasmania very much.
Thu 06 Oct, 2011 6:19 pm
Penguin wrote:
My wife thought his pack looked all wrong, he seemed a bit brave with some of the gear he was wearing, I was amused that he could light fires where ever he went, and I admired his ability to get a gun, traps and 12 days worth of food in the pack.
Haha, I thought exactly the same. But, at least it looked like he actually had
some weight in his pack. Something that really buggs me in 99% of all movies...supposedly packed suitcases are soooo light. Shove one under your left arm, one under your right arm and then some more while you're fiddling with your car keys or whatever
And then of course the sopping wet to instantly dry in no time is another favorite
I was naive to think that the attitude of some of the locals in the movie was a tad bit exaggerated (gee, don't scare
all the tourists away ..). Then I watched some real footage from "Whatever happened to Brenda Hean" (thanks for the tip SbS) and it's actually not the case

Suddenly they seemed like a nice bunch
Fri 07 Oct, 2011 9:05 am
I want to see a film based on the legend of Black Bobs next
Fri 07 Oct, 2011 9:15 am
stepbystep wrote:I want to see a film based on the legend of Black Bobs next

*confirms my theory about Western Australians*

Oh and there is an informative facebook page on the aforementioned subject.
Sat 08 Oct, 2011 10:49 am
Few cinemas in Sydney are showing it. They are all generally within 30mins of the CBD. I live out in the Hills District.
I'm a 20 minute walk from a 9-screen multiplex that is generally empty and it's not showing it. I'd much rather see the Tasmanian wilderness than lame pics in 2D, 3D or 4D

Might have to make a special trip.
Mon 17 Oct, 2011 7:35 am
I thought this was a really poor film. Its only redeeming grace was the aerial shots. I mean how many times did we need to see him set traps of one description or another? He spent most of his time driving to and from the bush in the car? 1 out of 10 for me I'm afraid.
Mon 17 Oct, 2011 10:03 am
Penguin wrote:in Tasmania, but, it seems, that it is okay to shoot bad guys and hide their bodies.
just bad guys, but they do often taste better and so are more sought after.
Mon 17 Oct, 2011 10:55 am
kanangra wrote:1 out of 10 for me I'm afraid.
I assume you mark a lot films between 0.1 and 1 then, or do you operate in negatives as well?
Mon 17 Oct, 2011 3:52 pm
No I just thought it was a really poor film with very little to commend it. Basically it was just a big yawn. Almost zero entertainment value.
Thu 20 Oct, 2011 9:18 am
I thought it was amazing! That's it. Fantastic.
Thu 20 Oct, 2011 10:03 pm
Anyone recognize any of the locations other then Mt Wellington?
Fri 21 Oct, 2011 8:35 am
They had two shots of Mount Roland, which was quite humorous as it is nowhere near the films 'location'. Also, the hotel at the start was the Grand Chancellor in Hobart.
Fri 21 Oct, 2011 10:00 am
HitchHiking wrote:Anyone recognize any of the locations other then Mt Wellington?
King William Saddle/ Navarre Plains which were the button grass shots
Im pretty sure the house is at the foot of Mt Roland and there are a couple of other shots of mt roland as well.
When he is at the top of the cliffs looking out that is the Devils Gullet
Drives though the florentine for the forestry stuff.
The local pub is at National Park
And i think the Walls get a little bit but i couldnt narrow it down at the time.
*Spoiler alert
I didnt mention it earlier cause some may find it to be a spolier and give away the story line. however people have had plenty of oppurtunity to see it so here goes. The worst part of the movie IMO, is at the end with the CGI Tiger, whoever created that tiger should be the one being shot. It is the most emo looking creature ever. The whole CGI thing was so bad people were laughing out loud, i certainly was.
Fri 21 Oct, 2011 11:18 am
Pretty sure a couple of the scenes beside the larger lake were at Pine Lake just north of Great Lake and I suspect the "deep" rain forest shots were in Mt Field National Park (probably alongside the Russell Falls path).
Fri 21 Oct, 2011 2:29 pm
frenchy_84 wrote:HitchHiking wrote:Anyone recognize any of the locations other then Mt Wellington?
Im pretty sure the house is at the foot of Mt Roland and there are a couple of other shots of mt roland as well.
The house was in Southern Tasmania and Mt Roland was CGIed in. It is a shame that the same CGI skill was not used on the "tiger". I felt the mock up animal at the end was worse. I am one of those that gave the film 6 rubber chickens (out of 10), so with a $6mil budget it is very disappointing that the tiger animation was not a whole lot better.
Sat 22 Oct, 2011 12:14 am
The second shot of Mt Roland was taken from the exact place that my Nan painted a watercolour about a year ago. You could line the shot up with the painting and they'd be exactly the same.
Mon 24 Oct, 2011 5:09 pm
doogs wrote:stepbystep wrote:I want to see a film based on the legend of Black Bobs next

*confirms my theory about Western Australians*

Oh and there is an informative facebook page on the aforementioned subject.
It's not a legend if it really happened.
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