Well, since we are discussing bad work trips...
There was the time when my company sent me interstate for 5 days, and it turned out I was on the road for 6 and a half weeks... But that wasn't all bad. Melbourne, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Rockhampton, Great Keppell Island, Townsville, Cairns, Dunk Island, back to Brisbane, Sydney, then flew Syd - Adelaide - Alice Springs - Ayers Rock all in one day, then back to Alice Springs, back to Adelaide, Melbourne, then home (Hobart at the time).
And I hadn't even packed my camera
But the worst one would be my New Zealand trip, 12 days, working mostly nights, with half a day off where I spent the time sitting on the beach with a blood nose and not enough tissues - I'd caught a shocking cold.
day night I had a lot of work to do, so I'd gone to the chemist to ask for something that will get me through it - don't care if I die after tonight but have to get this work done.
They gave me these 12 hour Sudafed tablets, which effectively made my sinuses explode and haemorrhage. I'm working in the admin office of the Sheraton Auckland, had to ring room service for a bucket of ice and a few towels. Room service boy arrives at the admin door and I take it from him, blood everywhere, patched myself up and kept working. Not much fun at all. Rushed to finish the work, go to my room (the only night where they actually put me up in the posh hotel), collect my unpacked suitcase, take the chocolates from the turned-down bed, and rushed to catch the plane back to Sydney, not a wink of sleep.
No, not much fun that one.