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Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 6:33 pm

Wasnt sure whether this should have gone in the bush tucker forum :D
We may not have the Tassie Tiger back but the tree lobster is back from the brink.

Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 6:41 pm

Climbing Balls Pyramid is on my bucket list, hope I don't squish one of these guys when I get there...

Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 8:00 pm

Wait, either live with filthy, introduced vermin or live with saved from extinction, prehistoric native insects....What's the question here, am i missing something?

Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 8:14 pm

puredingo contest. But actually dont want to be insensitive to the ecological treasure that is the tree lobster but have found a site with some great recipes. :lol:

Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Sat 03 Mar, 2012 6:08 pm

Amazing story of survival. It blows you away to realise how desperately a species will cling to life. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the can one day return to Lord Howe!

Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Thu 10 May, 2012 6:28 pm

I swear I read a book based on (finding) these things. Bright Air, that was the name of it!
Good old Australian crime fiction. I would recommend it ;)
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