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Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 4:31 pm

Moderator Note: This topic has been split off from "How DID that boot get there?". It has also had a few posts edited. Please avoid making posts personal or offensive.

WarrenH wrote:
taswegian wrote:Did Parks look for an owner ...

I suggested to Tassy Parks that they have a DNA test done on the boot to identify the owner ...

After waiting for several months now, the owner of the boot has finally been identified. The boot belongs to every member on the Tassy side of the Bushwalking Forum who has walked in the Western Arthurs and Mt Eliza area.

Congratulations everyone, your boot has been found, please come and collect your boot.


Nice try, but i've not heard of this Tassy place you speak of...... :roll:

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 4:37 pm

ILUVSWTAS, obviously you don't have Mainland Australian as your mother tongue. To help you out geographically, Tassy is that little thing shaped like a Y'bone below Australia


Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 4:42 pm

Ahhh mainland speak is it? No wonder it's so messed up. :wink:

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 4:48 pm

ILUVSWTAS or should your call-sign be, going on what you might be implying about my affectionate nickname for Tasmania, ILUVSWTAZ? ... come-on fess up.

You can't have it both ways.


ps, One thing is very puzzling. How did Whatever they're called Parks Service, know that the contents of the half filled jar was actually peanut butter?

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 5:55 pm


Taz is fine. It's Tasy or Tassy that we dont like!!

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 7:34 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote: Taz is fine. It's Tasy or Tassy that we dont like!!

Why is that? Several of my close relatives come from Tassy and they always call Tassy, Tassy. It was from them that I learnt to call Tassy, Tassy.

So what puts your precious sensibilities above people who also live there, who are now in their 70s.

Or is calling yourself ILUVSWTAS, more parochial than it reads? I'm getting that drift.


Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 7:39 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote: :lol:

Taz is fine. It's Tasy or Tassy that we dont like!!

Speak for yourself. They all sound stupid to me :wink:

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 7:42 pm

One could say that someone is displaying a Tas mania ... but I couldn't possibly say.


Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 7:37 am

It's Tassie!!!! IE.

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 7:40 am

Van Diemens Land :P

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 7:43 am

doogs wrote:Van Diemens Land :P

Maybe we should revert back to that...

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 8:12 am

When I moved here referring to Launceston I wrote Lonny somewhere and got curtly told it was Lonnie. They're a strange breed down here, suits me just fine :wink:

Mind you some of the people from around Lonnie.... :P

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 8:54 am

Launnie.. Doesn't matter that much.. I did hear Pete Cundall talking about the island mentality and the curious need to divide and put each other down.. The herd mentality... happens between towns, families, towns of families.. forum groups lol.. How silly is that?? :)

At least in Dport there is quick access to get yourself and all possessions outa here..

Tassie ( no zzzz's)

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 9:42 am

Gosh - and I thought it was Taswegia
I guess living on the west coast in my youth can mess you up a bit..

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 11:20 am

You can only be a Taswegian if you were born in Tassie. Agree with Nuts (no zzzzz's) and with others (definately no y's). :D

Living on the west coast doesn't mess you up.... it gives you a unique perspective. :wink:

Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 11:26 am

stepbystep wrote:When I moved here referring to Launceston I wrote Lonny somewhere and got curtly told it was Lonnie.

I've always thought it was Lonnie and Tassie. They just look totally wrong with a y.
Mind you I don't normally write either, they are only for speech, so I can't be sure how they should be spelled.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 12:26 pm

Didn't a rather famous and prolific writer once pen the line, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" :wink:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Fri 30 Mar, 2012 2:11 pm

walkinTas wrote:Living on the west coast doesn't mess you up.... it gives you a unique perspective. :wink:

Unique is one way pf putting it...

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:00 am

Wow, look at where this has ended....... :)

Good to see the proud tasweigans standing up for themselves!! Onya lads!!

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 9:07 am

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Wow, look at where this has ended....... :)

Good to see the proud tasweigans standing up for themselves!! Onya lads!!

Sheesh. Get it right. You spelt it wrong. It should be 'Tasmaniacs'!

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 9:10 am

Son of a Beach wrote:
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Wow, look at where this has ended....... :)

Good to see the proud tasweigans standing up for themselves!! Onya lads!!

Sheesh. Get it right. You spelt it wrong. It should be 'Tasmaniacs'!

Spelling isnt one of my strong points. :cry:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 2:09 pm

Whatever spelling you want, send it in to the Macquarie Dictionary. I'm sure they will publish it in the next edition :wink:.

Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 3:28 pm

Hmm. I just checked a few variants of spelling on the urban dictionary, and I think I prefer Tassie or Tasmania than any of the others.
I learn't a few things too. Not saying I needed to learn them, and certainly not recommending you read them... It wasn't stuff I needed to know.

Sent from crap electronic device using dodgy app.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 3:38 pm

tasadam wrote:Hmm. I just checked a few variants of spelling on the urban dictionary, and I think I prefer Tassie or Tasmania than any of the others.
I learn't a few things too. Not saying I needed to learn them, and certainly not recommending you read them... It wasn't stuff I needed to know.

Sent from crap electronic device using dodgy app.

I encountered similar when I googled 'cartographical interpretation of Tasmania' (not the exact wording I used).

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 4:22 pm

doogs wrote:
tasadam wrote:Hmm. I just checked a few variants of spelling on the urban dictionary, and I think I prefer Tassie or Tasmania than any of the others.
I learn't a few things too. Not saying I needed to learn them, and certainly not recommending you read them... It wasn't stuff I needed to know.

Sent from crap electronic device using dodgy app.

I encountered similar when I googled 'cartographical interpretation of Tasmania' (not the exact wording I used).

Lol, yeh... I tried searching for a band called "big scary" once... dont EVER do a google search for big scary... it's scary. BIG scary.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:01 pm

As I'm not born here I will apparently never be a true Taswegian but Tassie, not Tassy is my home. Don't mind a bit of Taz every now and then

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:03 pm

Well now we've got all these Tassie folk on board... where's Warren disappeared to..... :lol:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:15 pm

Stibb wrote:As I'm not born here I will apparently never be a true Taswegian but Tassie, not Tassy is my home. Don't mind a bit of Taz every now and then

20 years residency I'm told. I'm in my 6th year so have a long way to go......

Other bits I've noticed...

Cobber, it's ok coming from an old dude, but when an 18yo calls me cobber I feel like slapping him :wink:

"Of a night time" or "Of a morning".... in the new world of WA(that's Western Australia NOT the Western Arthurs) it was "At night" or "In the morning"

Lachlan, pronounced "Lack-lan" as opposed to "Lock-lan" despite it being named after Lachlan("Lock-lan") Macquarie....

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:17 pm

stepbystep wrote:
Stibb wrote:As I'm not born here I will apparently never be a true Taswegian but Tassie, not Tassy is my home. Don't mind a bit of Taz every now and then

20 years residency I'm told. I'm in my 6th year so have a long way to go......

Other bits I've noticed...

Cobber, it's ok coming from an old dude, but when an 18yo calls me cobber I feel like slapping him :wink:

"Of a night time" or "Of a morning".... in the new world of WA(that's Western Australia NOT the Western Arthurs) it was "At night" or "In the morning"

Lachlan, pronounced "Lack-lan" as opposed to "Lock-lan" despite it being named after Lachlan("Lock-lan") Macquarie....

Spot on on all accounts Cobs.

What about when someone roughly your ages calls you cobs?? :?

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:28 pm

stepbystep wrote:20 years residency I'm told. I'm in my 6th year so have a long way to go......

We had our 1 year anniversary yesterday as full time Tassies :D
I've been here every summer since 1995. Doesn't that count for anything? :(
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