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Fri 27 Apr, 2012 11:59 am

- The door on the Greenstone/Caples Track
I forgot to mention one very funny incident on our recent Greenstone/Caples walk. On the second day we found a door - that's right,
an actual wooden door - in the middle of the track

It was miles away from any road, and could only have arrived by helicopter. Its purpose? Just a joke, I'm guessing. Those rascally Kiwis
But the incident did get me thinking about metaphorical doors ... and all things wild. The resulting blog post is here rest of the walk is also described on the blog, starting here
Fri 27 Apr, 2012 12:35 pm
Did you open it and walk through? Maybe it was a doorway into another universe?
Fri 27 Apr, 2012 1:45 pm
** yes ... and I woke up here, inside a computer ... reading about walking instead of doing it **
Fri 27 Apr, 2012 1:50 pm
whynotwalk wrote:** yes ... and I woke up here, inside a computer ... reading about walking instead of doing it **
Better go back then, that sounds dreadful.
Fri 27 Apr, 2012 6:19 pm
If you happen upon a lamp post, you'll know where you are. wink:
Fri 27 Apr, 2012 7:08 pm
Maybe they are advertising a University! There's a giant red door on my local golf course !!!!
Fri 27 Apr, 2012 7:11 pm
either someone nicked it when they were doing one of the huts up or a helicopter probably dropped it....
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