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Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 9:52 am ... b=facebook

Watch it full screen HD :shock:

Re: Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 1:52 pm

Fantastic! It makes you want to grab your pack and set off immediately. :D

Re: Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 2:17 pm

I'd love to see a Tasmanian version :-)

Re: Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 2:27 pm

Lindsay wrote:Fantastic! It makes you want to grab your pack and set off immediately. :D

Makes me want buy camera gear :(

Miyata610 wrote:I'd love to see a Tasmanian version :-)

I'd love to give it a bash, sponsors???

Re: Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 3:00 pm


I'll sponsor you a 6pack Dan??

Re: Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 7:17 pm

very cool. i wonder how they get those slow pan shots

Re: Worth a look

Wed 02 May, 2012 10:20 pm

Nick S wrote:very cool. i wonder how they get those slow pan shots

It's basically done via a mini train track with the (very good)camera on a motorised 'dolly' taking slow shutter speed shots at a pre-determined time.
A lot more difficult than it sounds!

Re: Worth a look

Thu 03 May, 2012 10:35 am

I'll sponsor you a carton to do one of Vanishing Falls ;)
SBS how hard would it be to do a still camera time lapse sunset or waterfall shot?

Re: Worth a look

Thu 03 May, 2012 11:22 am

doogs wrote:I'll sponsor you a carton to do one of Vanishing Falls ;)
SBS how hard would it be to do a still camera time lapse sunset or waterfall shot?

Cheers! 1 carton and a six pack, off to a flying start! Just need a chopper ride into VF and we're cooking!

Not hard at all during the day, sunset's can be tricky, obviously because of the light change. The key other than locking the camera off is to have a camera that will take a frame every second or so automatically, and then some software to stitch them all together into a movie file. You'll get a pretty good result, night time is a different story though... For me I just record HD video for the most part.

The stuff in the link is HDR(3 shots with different exposure to make each frame) with each frame heavily post processed in order to get the crispness evident in foreground etc each frame might have a 15" exposure or some such...really tricky stuff to get right. I'm working with a cpl of guys who have started doing some of this stuff here, mixed results so far.... :)

Re: Worth a look

Thu 03 May, 2012 1:05 pm

Something didn't seem right about the stars in some of the shots. But I guess the HDR sorta explains it.
It did have me scratching my head how what seemed like day time scenes had stars in the sky. I'm still not convinced you could take that shot during the day and resolve the stars, or are they just night shots. Some of the lighting effects just seemed like daylight.
Anyway lots of digital processing going on.

The GoPro does time lapse... I'll have to take it on a walk sometime and give it a try.

Re: Worth a look

Thu 03 May, 2012 1:19 pm

Azza wrote:The GoPro does time lapse... I'll have to take it on a walk sometime and give it a try.

Gives a pretty good result too, needs even light for the best results.
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