The Seeing-Nose Dog

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The Seeing-Nose Dog

Postby whynotwalk » Wed 05 Oct, 2011 11:25 am

G'day all - a few of us like bushwalking with dogs - where it's allowed :) My old dog is starting to lose a few of her senses, but get her out in the bush and she's a pup again! I've just added a new blog post about the joys of going bush with my dog. I even changed my avatar in her honour :D


Solvitur ambulando (Walking solves it) - attributed to St Augustine, 4th century AD.
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Re: The Seeing-Nose Dog

Postby Chris » Wed 05 Oct, 2011 10:56 pm

Thanks Peter, that's delightful, and I love the avatar.
You brought back many memories of the 7 who have been part of my life, all but the first of which happily accompanied me wandering in the bush. Labrador noses can be embarrassing at times though - it's hard to forget the time when one of them found some human excrement to roll in :shock: .
Said goodbye to the last one over 2 years ago; can't take the ones I occasionally borrow too far afield, but one of these days hope there'll be another 1 or 2 to go bush with.
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