Son of a Beach wrote:When I was into computer games it was on a Commodore 64.
WarrenH wrote:Gaming has been a great hobby. I only play games with huge landscapes and editing programmes, so I can practice navigation. Games like Full Burn where the landscape was all of Scandinavia and Russia. I walked for days in these landscapes in real time. In Full Burn, I'd fly somewhere, eject, get maps off Google and walk back. I still play Operation Flashpoint and navigate at night while avoiding being killed by Russians. There was a game called Ascent of Everest I couldn't get the hang of, in many failed attempts to summit my bot passed out or fell into a deep crevasse.
On Microsoft FSX the Bicentennial National Trail can be followed from Cooktown to Healesville. I did a reccy of the trail in an ultralight, once. The accuracy of programmes like FSX with the custom Australian addons is extraordinary.
If anyone produced a bushwalking simulation called Traversing the Deua, Woila and Bogong Wilderness Regions North-South, I'd pre order it, no worries ... and how about a simulation called, Discovering the First Route Across the Blue Mountains.
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