FACEBOOK PAGE: Mountains of Australia

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FACEBOOK PAGE: Mountains of Australia

Postby Explorer_Sam » Sun 30 Sep, 2012 1:19 pm

Mountains are beautiful and in Australia we have some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. I have set up a Facebook page called "Mountains of Australia", so that people can share their photos of Mountains in Australia, so if you are on Facebook, you can like the page and share your photos here: https://www.facebook.com/mountainsofaustralia

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Re: FACEBOOK PAGE: Mountains of Australia

Postby frenchy_84 » Sun 30 Sep, 2012 5:46 pm

looks like u need to start tagging cause it looks pretty bare.
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Re: FACEBOOK PAGE: Mountains of Australia

Postby Explorer_Sam » Sun 30 Sep, 2012 6:02 pm

I only set the group up today, that's probably why. What do you mean by tagging?
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Re: FACEBOOK PAGE: Mountains of Australia

Postby frenchy_84 » Sun 30 Sep, 2012 6:11 pm

Tag ur group in to some of your own images of mtns so they come up on ur page. Or just add an album if u prefer
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Re: FACEBOOK PAGE: Mountains of Australia

Postby Explorer_Sam » Sun 30 Sep, 2012 6:15 pm

Okay, thanks for the advice frenchy, the only problem is I don't have many, getting out this weekend to Langi Ghiran and Mount Gorrin though, so there should be some good opportunities to get some shots.
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