Pteropus wrote: I know who Plimer is...Here you are defending someone who has vested interest in making money by making false claims...
Are you making the claim that Plimer's motivation for publication is to benefit his mining investments? Perhaps you could give a specific example of how his books have directly benefited those interests? By questioning a man's professional integrity, is the aim to diminish his reputation because you do not like what he has to say?
When applied to the book ‘Telling Lies for God’, this reasoning is nothing short of remarkable. Creationists dispute the validity of the theory of evolution, and insist that all biology texts devote an equal attention to ‘creation science’. Plimer concerned by the spread of what he viewed as a dangerous anti-science religious movement popular in the United States, took them on.
He wrote his book, took the creationists to Court on a point of law, and mortgaged his house. He lost. Plimer was bankrupted defending biological science, not his business interests. To this day equal coverage for creation science remains a requirement for biology texts in some States of the USA, but thankfully not in Australia. Nevertheless, this is the same man some suggest puts financial gain before science. Defending science against superstition is it seems, a thankless task.
And what of Dyson? 'Old Coot' perhaps, 'lost his marbles'?
Pteropus wrote:...false claims against robust science.
In 'Heaven and Earth: Global Warming - the missing science', Plimer sites many examples of conclusions that have been drawn by the AWG crowd that do not fit with what he sees as the geological record. One such claim is that due to AGW, floods of a biblical scale threaten civilization. Plimer does not view this as likely. He points to geological evidence that independent of human activity sea levels and continents ‘rise and fall like a bride’s nighty’. That is, often and quite rapidly. Plimer can see this in the rocks (e.g. sandstone, mudstone, limestone), and the soil (e.g. acid-sulphate). Can you?
Plimer does not doubt that climate changes, he knows it does. He doubts however, on the evidence, that current climatic changes are unprecedented, that they are necessarily primarily anthropogenic in origin, or that changes of the future are likely to be catastrophic. He comes to these conclusions on the basis of his understanding of geological science, rejecting the speculations of climate modellers, and meeting the cat-calls of gullible believers with humour.
Pteropus wrote: But what about you? Why do you champion these lone voices?...Why do you read people like Gammage, and push their views as gospel, without critically appraising their work…
I have read, amongst other things, works by Dyson, Plimer, Gammage, and a of variety scientific papers in areas of interest. Lucky for me, I have the freedom to spend a lot of time in the field making observations. Where ideas fit I adopt them, where they do not I reject them.
Pteropus wrote:What is your motivation for not believing the thousands of scientists who publish their work in peer reviewed journals
Science is not democracy, so numbers are irrelevant.
Argumentum ad verecundiam is no argument at all. And science is not about belief, belief belongs in religion.
Pteropus wrote:Picking and choosing your sources is not particularly helpful for making a robust argument and does not help your cause.
And what cause, other the satisfaction gained from playing with ideas, is that?