Bledisloe Cup V2 - Aussie Cocky vs NZ Kea?

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Bledisloe Cup V2 - Aussie Cocky vs NZ Kea?

Postby Onestepmore » Mon 08 Jul, 2013 10:02 pm ... n=07052013

These guys obviously haven't seen a Kea in action (you have to skip the beginning bit) ... 43&index=3
there are 3 parts

Lol they look so devious - and I'm used to my evil 18 year old galah and my cheeky long billed corella
When we were walking in around Arthur's Pass in the South Island a couple of years ago I had to go into a pub to ask whose bike was being destroyed outside by a determined kea....the owner hoofed it out of there in a mighty hurry
We can learn a lot from crayons. They come in different shapes and colours, but they all have to live in the same box
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Re: Bledisloe Cup V2 - Aussie Cocky vs NZ Kea?

Postby neilmny » Tue 09 Jul, 2013 9:09 am

Part 2 comes up as blocked by the BBC.

What a crazy bird, I hope they stay in unzed, give me our snakes and spiders any day. :lol:
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