by walk2wineries » Sun 21 Jul, 2013 8:47 pm
I am an unabashed fan and enthusiastic participant for the supported walk.
Problem is that there are now several providers for the popular areas - Overland, Maria, RNP, Great Ocean, BOF. We need some more guided walks Really. ANd there's LOTS and LOTS of good options - I mean, places where the walk is a couple of days, is not a loop, and has campsites accessible by 4WD if camps are used. Because one-way walks require a lot of organisation for one person (or a couple with one car!) a guided walk providing transport has immediate value. There's a big untapped market - a lot of people like me don't have the expensive equipment we would want (because I'd need lightweight and idiot proof) and this cost can be offset against that of a guided walk. I go to conferences in Australia, every year on average. The bigger ones have optional activites arranged on the free afternoon or for before or after the meeting - mountainbiking, tours to the bluemountains if one is in Sydney, that sort of thing. NO WALKS! and there's a lot of us who aren't into mountainbiking, but really don't want to sit in a *&%$#! bus all day - and we might be travelling light because the suits and laptop take up space -- so I want a guided walk please. Actually I'm serious, did the BOF walk when I was in Tas for a conference.
What's my point? Well, I think that the providers need to expand a bit. Maybe guide the Qld Great Walks in Winter and the OVerland in Summer. For the would be's - consider asking your putative employer about tagging along, particularly while you are still studying, as an apprentice. We had one on the BOF, he was gold; he probably wasn't paid, we thought, so the punters had a whip-around at the end of the weekend so he netted a couple of hundred bucks. Not much, but still. ANd you get REAL references and experiences and maybe you'll be called if one of the regulars gets crook. AND - if they know you, you might consider researching a walk that is NOT in the regular offerings, - I mean, seriously look at suppliers, access, market - and asking the employers if they'd consider offering it to punters if you did the running around/organising. I suspect that because of insurance, permission from parks etc its probaby best done that way rather than independently.
My list at the moment - Well, Yuraygir probably top. Ideal for supported walk - one way, need to arrange boats across rivermouths (available but needs to be booked), drive-in EXCELLENT campsites, temperate climate (not subject to snow or flood, which cancelled my first booking for the 6-foot, took me YEARS to get on a trip!) and punters can fly to Grafton, Coffs or even GC or Brisbane for pickup. Then the Qld Great walks, ptrly MacKay and Gold Coast. Green Gully. Maybe NorthEast Tasmania. The 3-cape walk, or more of the Tasman Coastal trail in Tasmania. The GreatSouthWest Walk (tas). GreatNorthWalk North of Cowan. BenBoyd.
Sorry, I'm on a roll. My navigation sucks - I've been known to do 3/4 of a circle walk, sit down and walk back the opposite way. I want to walk with a DAY pack not a heavy pack, and I don't want to be cold or hungry at night. Guided, prefereably well supported walks, please. I will add - if one must to be self-sufficient there's not a lot of point in having a guide on the overland or the Great Ocean, or even Yuraygir or Tasman Peninsular Coast track, because one would need to be truly talented to get lost on those. Supported walks are certainly more expensive - but value-wise better value, and they make walking more accesible to punters like me. Think about it - Cradle huts isn't cheap, but what would it cost to stay in a hotel soewhere for that time, eating like that ? MOre, I reckon. Ditto Great Ocean even with the more expensive outfits.