maddog wrote:Affluence is not the problem, poverty and a lack of education is. is a link to the explanation of the equation for the impact on the environment (I=PAT). There is no difference between poverty and affluence, just depends how condescending you when you consider it

Of course the equation doesn't take into factors such as education, which can be placed into the denominator to lessen the overall impact. Of the 3 I would argue that affluence is the biggest contributor to impacting on the environment, if you look at it purely at an individual level your impact increases with affluence.
maddog wrote: A developing nation may have a fertility rate 8 times higher than a developed nation, causing overpopulation and environmental degradation.
So developing countries don't have the right to have the same population densities that are found in most developed countries?
Why are the environmentally degraded? Not just from their population but they also provide cheap food for us western folk.
It is complete *&^%$#! to blame developing countries for overpopulation and then complain that they are uneducated. That is an arrogant western point of view, it is us that need to educate ourselves in living in a more sustainable fashion.
We are obsessed with wealth as we believe it will lead to happiness, this is a myth too. The only country in the world to measure happiness is Bhutan, as GNH (Gross National Happiness) whereas we are obessed with GDP in developed countries. I saw this recently from Alberta in Canada and it makes very interesting viewing;
Maybe we need to start listening to the Eco Philosopher, Arne Naess, who introduced the world to the 'Deep Ecology' movement which you may find interesting in this aptly named documentary called 'Call of the mountain'! ... c1BSPkweAA