Dingoes as pets?

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Dingoes as pets?

Postby LandSailor » Tue 31 Dec, 2013 2:46 pm

Interesting article highlighting the differences between dingoes and domestic dogs

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Re: Dingoes as pets?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 01 Jan, 2014 12:33 am

I used to own a dingo. Was one of the best pet I owned. The family could play rough and he would never show any aggression towards us, a very loving pet and very protective.

Overly protective, we had to put her on a chain dog leash when visitors would arrive. Even the mailman had a hardtime delivering our mail. The milkman stopped delivering milk, he could not get anywhere near our house.

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Re: Dingoes as pets?

Postby LandSailor » Wed 01 Jan, 2014 8:43 pm

That sounds fascinating Phil..I think they'd make an interesting, if somewhat unpredictable pet.
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Re: Dingoes as pets?

Postby Hallu » Thu 02 Jan, 2014 12:17 am

Well it is a dog after all. No difference. They each have their own character, so yes there will be incidents, just like with regular dogs... In general in Europe, the greater number of domestic incidents is actually with labradors, because people think they can do whatever they want with them. They still bite.
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Re: Dingoes as pets?

Postby climberman » Thu 02 Jan, 2014 8:00 am

A few friends have had dingos as pets. Little to no barking, occasional high pitched yelps, howls. Not sure I like them as a pet. Interesting animals, definitely on the outer edge of dog-dom. A high quality population exists in/around Burragorang.
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Re: Dingoes as pets?

Postby puredingo » Thu 02 Jan, 2014 4:53 pm

A pack of dingo's in a town-house in Newtown? I wouldn't even keep a Kelpie on a quarter acre suburban block but that's just me. There will come a time when those dingo's are going to want to fulfil their urge to roam and if they can't things are going to get interesting. They aren't a domestic dog they are essentially a wild animal, should be kept that way.
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