Nuts wrote: a hint of disagreement or exposed 'position'[/i].
Pteropus do you know how much land under forestry tenure is not in one stage or other post-harvest?
Are you aware of any audits of the habitat within maturing plantations? (They seem awfully lifeless at eyes length)?
I've always understood that second generation monoculture is a fairly poor resource, this is most definitely the case in Pine plantations, native monocultures?
Size, NNW. Perhaps size isn't the issue but focus? Forestry (or other overseer) moving towards representing another tier of access. They have some recreational commitment now, why not build on this. Similar to the status quo but a shift in focus to public service. Accommodate the-rest-of-the-public and their pursuits. Develop the facilities to do so... Charge an access fee. Return plantations to native habitat? Selectively log, by degrees, high quality timbers... even if only for a domestic market. From 'land managed, collectively, for a higher conservation value'. Promote such a catchphrase.
Oh ps, Iv'e only read 1984.. was forced to read Men from Mars/ Women, Venus once though