Hey all, I've found myself at position where I will probably need to make a fairly drastic career change at some point in the next year or two. The trouble is that I need a new job sometime within last week. I live on the Sunshine Coast, and my current "profession" if you can call it that is doing AV (lights, sound and projection) for events, conferences, and such at one of the local resorts. (you might know it, its been in the news, has a new mascot from the cretaceous period) Due to several factors, I pretty much have no work, even with traveling as far north as Noosa, and south to Brisbane, its gotten unsustainable. I don't feel like this is going to change much, as the market has really dropped for this kind of work, and it is very over saturated with very qualified people. (I can only get by on canadian charm for so long)
I've been considering FIFO work. I did three seasons in northern alberta as an on-site standby medic, doing exploration and pipelines. So even though that qualification is no good here, I am familiar with living out of a ute on the back side of nowhere. Not something I want to do, but something I am capable of.
All I've been finding is senior positions or grunt labor (I'm not un-fit, but I don't have what you would consider a laborer's physique) Even then almost all of the positions are listed as needing some level of certificate, or experience. Or any that I could do are local, and relocating isn't an option until the end of the year, and at that point it won't be an option as my wife will have finished her degree, and we may need to move to wherever she gets a nursing position.
So I've got lots of useless technical skills with no attached qualifications. In two years I'll qualify for tuition assistance, so at that point I'll probably go for some type of education. In the mean time I'm looking for something that will either put cash in my pocket or set me on a career path. However it seems that few companies actually want to invest in people and since every market is so over-saturated its nearly impossible to find something where the main requirement is being willing.
I know that things are tough everywhere, so I don't what to make this seem like a whine. But I thought who knows, maybe someone out there has some ideas or thoughts.