Dombrovskis photos now available

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Dombrovskis photos now available

Postby Happy Pirate » Mon 26 May, 2014 7:27 pm

After many years of working with some of Tasmania's finest artists and Photographers, Art Poster - Imagetec have setup a new on-line print gallery. These artists include internationally renowned photographers such as Peter Dombrovskis and Rob Blakers, painters such as Michael Weitnauer and Lauren Black and digital artists Beth Gregory and Sam Lyne. It covers a wide array of Tasmanian art and we are adding more artists all the time"

Imagetech is a supplier of my digital papers and inks.
Otherwise there is no connection.
With a Glass Eye & 3 Wooden Legs:
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Happy Pirate
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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