Bush Dance for Burnie Shines

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Bush Dance for Burnie Shines

Postby tastrekker » Mon 28 Sep, 2009 11:08 pm

Shameless plug alert...

My alter ego is calling a Bush Dance at Burnie High School this Thursday night, 1st October between 7pm and 9pm for Leighlands Christian School. Everyone is welcome and the event will only set you back $5 per person, couple or family. Don't be put off that it's being hosted by a school. My job is much easier if I have plenty of grown-up dancers to have a crack at favourites such as Strip the Willow, Gallopede, Heel-and-Toe Polka, Waves of Tory, etc. If I only get primary school kids, I will be stuck doing the Hokey Pokey and the Chicken Dance all night! Please come!!!!

There is a good chance that people who enjoy bush walking will also enjoy bush dancing. I certainly do.

P.S. Out-of-towners may wonder why there's a dance on a Thursday night. It's due to it being Burnie Show Day Eve so the following day's a public holiday in those parts. Thursday is also the first official day of the Burnie Shines celebration.
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Re: Bush Dance for Burnie Shines

Postby tasadam » Tue 29 Sep, 2009 7:43 am

tastrekker wrote: Thursday is also the first official day of the Burnie Shines celebration.

Yeah, the first day that the sun comes out in Burnie since last Summer! :lol:
You could tell the mainlanders that and they'd believe it... They used to believe Tassie had a National Potato day and a National Onion day.
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Re: Bush Dance for Burnie Shines

Postby Taurë-rana » Wed 30 Sep, 2009 5:16 pm

Hmmm.... My boys go to Leighland, I wonder why I didn't know about it. Perhaps I'd better read the last newsletter :oops:
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Re: Bush Dance for Burnie Shines

Postby Taurë-rana » Wed 30 Sep, 2009 5:18 pm

I might try to get there if I don't fall in a heap after 3 days of a new job! Not much stamina here I'm afraid.
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