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Sun 14 Feb, 2021 1:04 pm
It was the first time I'd seen both parents, there had only been the male and the two young ones previously.
Photo isn't great as it was overcast, 1600iso and a lens full of fungi isn't great for sharpness.
Tue 23 Mar, 2021 1:50 pm
With all this rain...a rather soggy Butcherbird.
Sun 11 Apr, 2021 4:49 pm
Had a good laugh...
Mon 26 Apr, 2021 1:24 pm
I had no idea that racoons were native Australian animals. Where are they found ?
I saw this last night on my fence :
with at least another 4 was having a great time racing about.
Sun 03 Oct, 2021 1:47 pm
Removing some arum lilies around the side of the house…. They keep self-propagating
Found this handsome fella, I’ve left some lilies and a water dish for the time being. We are currently isolating, if I can find him again post-iso I’ll move him to the river. Once our yard dries up in a month or so it won’t be a great environment. Not to mention the Jack Russell .
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Sun 03 Oct, 2021 4:42 pm
Seen near my backdoor during intermittent showers 2 weeks ago. I'm hoping he is eating the snails.
Sun 10 Oct, 2021 8:11 am
I was moving some old building materials yesterday and disturbed a gecko.
So today I got some old and broken tiles and made a gecko habitat to hang on the fence. Fence faces the setting sun so even in winter it should warm up enough to allow warming up to hunting temperature
Sat 30 Oct, 2021 11:19 am
This Brown Dove joined me on my verandah for mornings tea this morning. They are fearless birds.
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Sat 30 Oct, 2021 11:42 am
GregG wrote:This Brown Dove joined me on my verandah for mornings tea this morning. They are fearless birds.
Nice, looks like a male brown cuckoo-dove Greg.
No photos but we've been getting heaps of Noisy Friarbirds lately. More than ever before.
Much commotion but very entertaining.
Sat 30 Oct, 2021 5:06 pm
Neighbour photographed an echidna under the fence in my suburban backyard.
Sat 04 Dec, 2021 8:57 am
Lovely slimline Green Tree Snake, about a metre long, doing the rounds in my garden at the moment...lotsa rain, lotsa green growth & lotsa croaking frogs. Ideal conditions for a roaming green snake.
Wed 05 Jan, 2022 10:26 pm
Eremophila wrote:Removing some arum lilies around the side of the house…. They keep self-propagating
Found this handsome fella, I’ve left some lilies and a water dish for the time being. We are currently isolating, if I can find him again post-iso I’ll move him to the river. Once our yard dries up in a month or so it won’t be a great environment. Not to mention the Jack Russell .
Froggie is still in residence, despite that part of the yard being bone dry and I would have thought not very appealing to an amphibian.
I’ve refilled the big water dish - a large pot plant saucer - and partly covered one side so he’s not exposed to the hungry birds while bathing.
Wed 05 Jan, 2022 11:34 pm
Stumpy the blue-tongue (see earlier photo) has taken up residence in a drain sump in the backyard. Comes out to sun late in the afternoon.
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 7:13 pm
Resident blue-tongue - who is either very, very fat or a heavily pregnant female - laying claim to the water bowl. Lovely colouration, too.
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Fri 11 Feb, 2022 9:20 pm
At the neighbours' place is close enough.\
That Blue Tongue pic is great!
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 8:20 pm
New frog call in the garden tonight...
Headtorch on red tint, my 9yo son gradually narrowed down the area to head high grapefruit tree branch....with a lovely green Graceful Tree Frog nestled in the fork.
Hopefully he attracts a few more companions over the next few nights.
Last edited by
ofuros on Thu 24 Feb, 2022 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mon 04 Dec, 2023 1:05 pm
These turbo-chicks must be fairly recently hatched. Their the smallest I've seen so far.
This photo is taken from my couch, looking out the window. (Yes, I do need to mow the dandelions.)

- Turbo Chooks with Turbo Chicks
Huh, and just the next day taken from the same spot on my couch, looking out the same window...

- Echidna
Tue 05 Dec, 2023 2:30 pm
I hope it doesn't dig a hole in the new grass that I've just sewn there!
Tue 05 Dec, 2023 4:17 pm
Nice! Turbo chooks one day and echidna the next. I think I'd put up with the digging to have an echidna visit

Fri 12 Jan, 2024 2:42 pm
This guy has been living in my garden for several weeks. Today he was sunning himself on my orange tree. I managed to get a photo before it disappeared into the rocks out the front of the house.
Mon 05 Feb, 2024 1:39 pm
We have semi-resident red neck wallabies, bandicoots, echidna, on rare occasions a koala might show up (not in recent years sadly). Various snakes, mostly brown snakes, red belly blacks, death adders, grass snakes. Big fat blue tongue lizards and spiny scale skinks. Of the birds, the most interesting we have is a visiting mob of satin bower birds (males and females - a couple of years ago one built a bower in one part of the garden but our dog at the time kept blundering through it, so Mr Bowerbird got miffed and moved on), black cockatoos come and visit the she-oaks when they are covered in nuts/seed pods. We have several families of fairy wrens around our property, lots of finches, parrots, cockatoos, tiny honey eaters.
Fri 15 Mar, 2024 2:42 pm
The aftermath of a war.
One way that native Sugarbag bees expand is to try and take over an existing hive. This results in what's called a fighting swarm. The attackers and the defenders fight it out and the strongest group wins. The defenders grab onto the attackers with their jaws and don't let go, this results in the death of both bees. There is not much you can do about it and you just have to let them fight it out.
Following photo shows a section of the carnage around the front of my hive. Those black dots are pairs of dead bees.
Sat 07 Sep, 2024 7:59 pm
On my front porch just now, still sitting there. Son just returned from a walk on one of the Narrowneck passes and thinks it may have hitched a ride in his pack.
Very dry here recently and it's camped on dry concrete, have my doubts it's a local but who knows, it is a fairly cool evening.
Not sure of ID, initially thought maybe a Common Eastern Froglet but I measured this guy at 60 mm long, which seems too big for one of those.

- Probably Peron's Tree Frog (Litoria peroni)
Last edited by
johnw on Sun 08 Sep, 2024 12:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sun 08 Sep, 2024 12:34 pm
Thanks Michael. Yes that last image looks similar, and has the same cross-shaped pupil. I think we may have a winner.
Doesn't have the colour flashes of the other examples but it looks like there is some variation, including plain.
At one point I thought it might be some type of tree frog but I couldn't find any matches.
He isn't there this morning, but I have a native garden right next to the porch, so might be sheltering in that.
Wed 23 Oct, 2024 2:24 pm
Not technically within my actual backyard, but visible from my yard (and from my lounge room) on Saturday and again on Monday.
As soon as the tide came in, I had to go and say hello.

- Tamar Navigation Hazard
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