Outdoor things you don't need

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Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Neo » Wed 13 Apr, 2022 7:22 pm

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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby sandym » Wed 13 Apr, 2022 7:27 pm

Nah, mate, did you see it is rated for #vanlife. Obviously essential.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby north-north-west » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 7:25 am

Pot looks OK, but. I've been looking for a lidded pot to replace my grotty old one and the 1.2L Alpha might do. Though it does mean I'll need to make another pot cosy 'cause the proportions are different.

First world problems.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 10:44 am

Just added a proper large serving spoon to my gear list for this winter, in case I need to cater for a dozen or more hungry skiers.
Strange that a folding soup ladle hasn't been developed yet
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Aardvark » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 11:23 am

Moondog55 wrote:Strange that a folding soup ladle hasn't been developed yet

Well it has. I've had the MSR one for twenty years.
Ever on the search for a one ended stick.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 11:39 am

I must "Google" that now
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 11:42 am

I just did and while I found a few soup spoons I didn't find any ladles. Got a link?
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby johnw » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 12:26 pm

John W

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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 1:18 pm

I don't NEED to save a few grams for something like that. No longer a total gear geek, TG.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby johnw » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 1:34 pm

Moondog55 wrote:I don't NEED to save a few grams for something like that. No longer a total gear geek, TG.

Me either, which I think was the point of the thread. I couldn't believe the ~$50 postage for it.
A plastic folding MSR spoon does the job for me when needed. Paid about $10 maybe.
John W

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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 1:42 pm

Yes, the only reason I have both Titanium and plastic eating spoons if because people gifted them to me of I found them abandoned on the High Plains after winter, or in one case offered here ultra cheap because the seller dint like sporks
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Aardvark » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 6:01 pm

Moondog55 wrote:I just did and while I found a few soup spoons I didn't find any ladles. Got a link?


Measurements on the inside of the ladle ... 1 tbsp 15ml, 2 tbsp 30ml, 1/4c 60ml, 1/3c 80ml

No. of times i've used it? one or two.
No. of times i've carried it? half dozen
Ever on the search for a one ended stick.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 14 Apr, 2022 7:51 pm

OK Different trades different terminology, none of those would be what I would use to serve soups or sauces.
80ml is close to a portion size for gravy tho, soup it should be closer to 180ml/250ml depending on how hungry you are. Usually I just pour from the billy or simply use a spare plastic cup. Everybody should carry a spare cup, you never know when HRHH might drop in for a spot of char
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby ribuck » Fri 15 Apr, 2022 7:03 am

Moondog55 wrote:Strange that a folding soup ladle hasn't been developed yet

Real bushwalkers make their trowel do double duty :)
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Hallu » Fri 27 May, 2022 6:34 pm

It doesn't double as a fork, it doesn't work as a shoehorn and a coffee filter holder ? Useless.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby ChrisJHC » Sat 28 May, 2022 8:45 am

Another thing I don’t need outdoors is my mobile phone.
Until, of course, I do need it.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Gadgetgeek » Sat 28 May, 2022 6:35 pm

I will say though that a lot of the "useless" camping gear, even the stuff that isn't really even #vanlife stuff is very valuable to me when I'm just away from home. As someone who can't often just hit a drive-through for food for dietary reasons, it's good to have gear that I can set up ahead of time so that I can be more adaptable when it comes to food. I have a few different sized clip boxes set up for things like BBQs, picnics, and the like and so if it takes a few people with disposable income to keep usable compact cooking gear on the market, I'm all for it. To be clear, I've also done a full pancake breakfast for four with two found sticks and some aluminum foil, but it's way easier to just have the right stuff when it's needed.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby ThehannaTree » Sat 16 Jul, 2022 9:00 pm

Right now I can cope with my u-beaut 50c, 23g bendable, crappy spoon from Vinnies and the homemade bottle carrier and having to ditch my comfy National Geographic stool in the interests of saving myself from 494g of extra weight gain. I've chucked the leaden stainless steel billy and swapped it for 200g less of tomato tin and a beetroot tin bowl. I've had my 30g thyroid removed and lost a couple of kilos training too. Desperate measures! What I absolutely dont need is the extra 1.6 kg of heavy duty, top quality ancient Macpac backpack and the feeling I'm too non-competitive and poverty stricken to afford anything made out of titanium alloy or a backpack that looks something like a fertiliser bag with some straps attached. I realise I've got some of that tyvek stuff slung over some polytube as a hothouse. I leave the zip on my Macpac sleeping bag open and pretend it's one of those fancy quilts. Been doing that for twenty years because I hate having my toes trapped in the end. I've forgone the luxury of a $300 plastic raincoat for a $2, 45g plastic poncho from kmart because I know they keep the rain off, but my expensive 220g gortex one doesnt. It looks great though, red, stylish, keeps the rabbits out and that's about it. Soooo disappointing. I dunno. Dad told me how he hunkered down under a vast solid steel rod framed backpack 50 years ago and climbed to the top of Mt Wilhelm, PNG and back without breaking his back. A friend told me how he managed the Larapinta bowed down under 45kg of christmas cake , a good, thick book and a full tube of toothpaste and he got there eventually. Maybe we are all just becoming delicate, expensive consumer flowers. I'm about 54 kg, a pip squeak woman with muscles made of lead apparently and I'm about to haul my 15kg of ancient, antique absolutes 25km a day on the Bibb. and somehow I'm feeling the pressure to conform to an incredible lightness of being that is ultimately about materialism. Nice to dream though.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby CraigVIC » Sat 16 Jul, 2022 9:46 pm

Take your chair HannaT, don't waste your energy tilting at windmills.
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Lostsoul » Mon 28 Oct, 2024 6:56 pm

I don’t need a 2lt bladder full of red wine for multi day walks….but I’m taking it every trip just in case
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 29 Oct, 2024 12:27 pm

Lostsoul wrote:I don’t need a 2lt bladder full of red wine for multi day walks….but I’m taking it every trip just in case

Wine isn't a very efficient way to carry alcohol, I prefer OP Bundy rum in much smaller bladders.
Anybody ever tried the French concentrated red wine>? Just add water apparently
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Re: Outdoor things you don't need

Postby Lostsoul » Sun 03 Nov, 2024 6:18 pm

Moondog55 wrote:
Lostsoul wrote:I don’t need a 2lt bladder full of red wine for multi day walks….but I’m taking it every trip just in case

Wine isn't a very efficient way to carry alcohol, I prefer OP Bundy rum in much smaller bladders.
Anybody ever tried the French concentrated red wine>? Just add water apparently

Haha I don’t care,I’ll just make my legs stronger so I can carry it,I do have a lightweight plastic wineglass though.
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