Kainas wrote:Are there any rogainers out there? I just got into the sport last year and am looking forward to the upcoming season.
Devon Annie wrote:I'd like to start but there aren't many rogaines in Tassie.
red tag wrote:The navigating part of it was fun.. one marker at a stream crossing had everyone bamboozled ... my fishing skills came to the fore and I worked out where the *&%$#@! marker thing was hidden ...a large crowd of rogainers was standing around in confusion and after locating the marker , I sneaked back and told my running partner i had found it and we carefully snuck off .. trying not to look too smug.
Whos_asking99 wrote::roll: What is "Rogaine"? Is it an extended form of orienteering?
Whos_asking99 wrote::roll: What is "Rogaine"? Is it an extended form of orienteering?
Devon Annie wrote:I've done 4WD navigational challenges using a GPS which work the same way - each checkpoint has a certain amount of points so you have to decide which order to look for them will be the best. It is a lot of fun, but I'd like to have a go on foot. johnw, I subscribe to the Rogaining Tas newsletter but there are very few events, which means something always clashes, and unfortunately none near where I live so they require a greater time commitment because of the travelling.
Paul wrote:The Australian Rogaine Champs ( Jan 22nd / 23rd - 2011 ) will be held in the Northern Midlands / Conara area. The terrain will be a mixture of some open farmland, semi open farmland, bush, hills, steep gullies and magnificient views to Stacks Bluff / Ben Lomond from higher plateau's.
The event will be open to, and suitable for, people with either very little experience or vast experience of rogaining.
These events are invaluable for practicing one's navigation skills, during both the daylight and nightime hours It will be a 24 hr event / 8 hr event.
So now there are no excuses of not knowing about it - check the website ( Rogaine Tas ) - get the entries in - participate and enjoy.
flatfoot wrote:Just got back from my first Rogaining experience. I was in a mixed team that competed in the Lake Macquarie 6hr held this weekend. It was the best fun I've had in ages ... particularly heading down through a steep jungley bit. I was in an mixed team that was walking and amazed by the teams running from checkpoint to checkpoint.
I was very happy that we finished on time. A great sport! Lots of family teams as well.
flatfoot wrote:They gave out fridge magnets so I have a list of dates for 2011. I'm definitely going to participate in others. I'm hooked now! Apparently the Navshields are more challenging. A 12hr event would be particularly challenging. It was certainly useful for developing basic navigation skills. I'm a bit of a novice with Navigation.
BTW ... I purchased this book recently and found it to be a great learning aid:
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