I (personally) don't agree with the science behind Human Influenced Global Warming. I do agree behind the science that increased CO2 concentration is lowering the pH levels of the oceans which is having an overall negative affect to the majority of marine life. So you and I have the same desire to lower CO2 back to the balanced levels, although it is for different reasons.
I'm a big believer in grass roots approach (although I don't think it's the only necessary approach). For example, to lower heavy metal pollution, I try to walk/ride when I can, work locally, buy locally, process my own food, and on the edge of buying an eBike for local transit. I figure, if every Australian did that, it would resolve the problem enough for that environmental issue.
So my question is: What (achievable) things can an individual Australian do to absorb some of the CO2 and lower the CO2 output? I've listed some things that I can think of (which are uneducated guesses), can you correct me or add to the list?
Buy locally and process local produce
Work locally
Walk/Bike Ride when possible
Invest in solar polar
Invest in an eBike for local transit
Plant one native tree a month (it's not much, but if every Australian did so that would be 240million trees a year) If having to cut down a tree, at least plant another of the same type somewhere close by.
Pay money to environmental charities (which I won't name in order not to break the rules)
Read a book rather than sit on a computer playing games or reading forums

In general, lower electricity use.
Take the train rather than fly by plane?
Buy ethical timber
Invest in companies that have a good environmental and social responsibility
...what else??