2) You should have to get a licence to go into the Wilderness- {bleeding} idiots! (both movies)
Joel wrote:Alliecat - read Dead Lucky by Lincoln Hall and then see how easy a guided mountaineering expedition is.
It's not the weight of carrying chairs or heavy packs that makes it dangerous and difficult. It's getting into The Thin Air!!!
Joel wrote:I haven't seen the movie, but I've read Into the Wild and was a bit dissapointed. I think you have to look at it as a tale of non-survival and human pyschology.
Alliecat - read Dead Lucky by Lincoln Hall and then see how easy a guided mountaineering expedition is.
It's not the weight of carrying chairs or heavy packs that makes it dangerous and difficult. It's getting into The Thin Air!!!
Joel wrote:read Dead Lucky by Lincoln Hall and then see how easy a guided mountaineering expedition is. It's not the weight of carrying chairs or heavy packs that makes it dangerous and difficult. It's getting into The Thin Air!!!
Joel wrote:I haven't seen the movie, but I've read Into the Wild and was a bit dissapointed. I think you have to look at it as a tale of non-survival and human pyschology.
the_camera_poser wrote:Ino The Wild is definitely worth watching- beautifully filmed with an awesome soundtrack by Eddie Vedder.
Joel wrote:p.s read "Frog Call" & "Artificial" by Greg French please!!!!!!!!!!
Joel wrote:I did not think Lincoln Hall under estimated the danger he was in. He plainly stated many times through out the book how unlikely it was for him to have survived a night above 8500 ASL, suffering from HACE.
Joel wrote:White Limbo is also another good one.
corvus wrote:No Grizzly is getting my medicinal liquids
Joel wrote:read Dead Lucky by Lincoln Hall and then see how easy a guided mountaineering expedition is. It's not the weight of carrying chairs or heavy packs that makes it dangerous and difficult. It's getting into The Thin Air!!!
I finally got around to recording and watching Into The Wild. It's quite a long movie. Took me two goes to finish watching it, which I did last weekend. I totally agree with your comments about the filming and soundtrack. Sadly he was a very disturbed individual, what a tragic ending. I'm still wondering how the "magic bus" got there and by whom, who lived in it before he found it, and what happened to them.the_camera_poser wrote:Ino The Wild is definitely worth watching- beautifully filmed with an awesome soundtrack by Eddie Vedder.
sml_12 wrote:CLXXVIII.
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music in its roar:
I love not Man the less, but Nature more...
sml_12 wrote:Sorry - off topic...
Byron IS good, But Walt Whitman does okay too...
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