cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

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should a cable car and or pinnacle centre be built on mt wellington

Poll ended at Mon 29 Apr, 2013 9:21 am

absolutely, build both
just the pinnacle centre only
just the cable car only
No votes
not fussed either way
not now, maybe later
not ever
Total votes : 28

Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby frenchy_84 » Thu 13 Feb, 2014 1:41 pm

north-north-west wrote:Pity. A walking track that went all the way over Wellington, the Snowy & Jubilee Ranges, Mueller and The Needles would have been wonderful. As long as they kept the horse riders and mountain bikers off it, of course.

It could have been called the Overplantation Walk or the Great Regeneration Walk.
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby stepbystep » Thu 13 Feb, 2014 1:41 pm

north-north-west wrote:
tastrax wrote:
Strider wrote:There has been a proposal put forward for a multi a day walk from the pinnacle to the snowy range.

I think this has now been dropped in favour of just walks on the mountain. I will see if I can find the report from the investigating committee

Pity. A walking track that went all the way over Wellington, the Snowy & Jubilee Ranges, Mueller and The Needles would have been wonderful. As long as they kept the horse riders and mountain bikers off it, of course.

Could think of dozens better for multi day walking only tracks, this is the perfect area for shared use, utilizing existing forestry roads and fire trails. It would help to keep roads like the Styx, Mueller and Florentine open for access to other walking areas, they could incorporate walker only side trips to sensitive areas. Some bushwalkers I've met are really tight with their spending but expect really top class tracks in remote areas...

On the Cable Car I believe the proponents will be insisting the route goes past the Organ Pipes...good luck with that :?
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby north-north-west » Thu 13 Feb, 2014 2:19 pm

stepbystep wrote: Some bushwalkers I've met are really tight with their spending but expect really top class tracks in remote areas...

Some bushwalkers are really short of money and like to daydream about easy access to remote areas, despite knowing it will never happen.
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby PeterJ » Thu 13 Feb, 2014 5:30 pm

tastrax wrote:
Strider wrote:There has been a proposal put forward for a multi a day walk from the pinnacle to the snowy range.

I think this has now been dropped in favour of just walks on the mountain. I will see if I can find the report from the investigating committee

A bike route is the outcome. The trouble with the walk idea was the big stretch of forestry coups once past White Timber Mountain. Not very inspiring country I am afraid. Consultants reckoned it would not be a goer as a walk.

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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby north-north-west » Fri 14 Feb, 2014 1:53 pm

PeterJ wrote:
tastrax wrote:
Strider wrote:There has been a proposal put forward for a multi a day walk from the pinnacle to the snowy range.

I think this has now been dropped in favour of just walks on the mountain. I will see if I can find the report from the investigating committee

A bike route is the outcome. The trouble with the walk idea was the big stretch of forestry coups once past White Timber Mountain. Not very inspiring country I am afraid. Consultants reckoned it would not be a goer as a walk.

A bike track can still be walked. Not ideal, but it might be interesting to travel through . . . once.
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby Nuts » Sat 05 Apr, 2014 7:22 pm

This media launch may be of interest in anyone concerned by (or in support of) your Cable Car: ... sal-launch
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby frenchy_84 » Wed 16 Apr, 2014 8:40 am

The proposal launch was this morning, a little more information about the proposal can be read here ... 6885677328, last check of the MWCC website hadn't been updated
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby frenchy_84 » Wed 16 Apr, 2014 9:13 am

can also be followed on twitter using #cablecargo. There is one dedicated twitterer with regular updates from proposal launch
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby stepbystep » Wed 16 Apr, 2014 9:25 am

Can also be followed @RespectTheMountain :)
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby frenchy_84 » Sat 19 Apr, 2014 11:37 am

Well now there is more information regarding the proposal I think it looks promising. Admittedly I was already a fan of the cable car concept so their plans would have to be bad for me to not like them but I do really like the way MWCC are heading.
The main points released so far are:
• Have a starting base next to cascade brewery in South Hobart
• A mid station on already cleared land owned by Cascade
• Picnic and recreation facilities at the mid point
• A pinnacle centre with dining/interpretation centre positioned below the skyline
• No transmission line like clearing scar underneath the path
• Road to remain open
• Privately funded
• Options for season passes for frequent users
• A strong emphasis on growing as a mountain bike destination
• Further tourist potential with a tree zip lining thingo.
• Only two pylons required to be in the Mt Wellington Park area.
• Only travels on cascade and Mt Welington park land so wont go over private houses.
So I believe its got really strong potential, the combining with Cascade is a great idea as it strengthens the tourist experience. Not to mention tourists will travel through South Hobart which also has nice cafes, the brewery tours and the female factory.
Its still only a concept and no concrete plans have been submitted for a development application but does look promising
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby frenchy_84 » Sat 19 Apr, 2014 11:41 am

for those who don't follow MWCC on facebook
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Re: cable car and pinnacle centre on mt wellingon hobart

Postby Happy Wanderer » Sun 20 Apr, 2014 11:34 am

frenchy_84 wrote: Admittedly I was already a fan of the cable car concept so their plans would have to be bad for me to not like them

Says it all really....

To me, bad is having something the size of a double-decker bus passing in front of the Organ Pipes, suspended from as many cables as hang from transmission towers (artist's impression supplied to media by MWCC).

Bad is also saying that a building large enough to hold all the infrastructure required for gondola docking, etc., as well as providing space for 1000+ people (800 passengers/hour + function room + café/restaurant) will be barely visible.

And the supreme irony? The only way to obtain a natural view of the Organ Pipes would be by looking down from the same man-made structure that interfered with the natural views from the Organ Pipes Track. :?
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