tibboh wrote:I would have to agree with Steve, I have lived in Cygnet for 10yrs now but being fairly popular the prices aren't that 'cheap'. NBN has just arrived. You could pick up a bush block in the hills nearby which may suit your needs for not too much though. It's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, or even approaching landowners.
NBN and an ATM in the main street all in one year! Progress will spoil the place !

Cygnet is also the town of double-vision. Nothing much occurs there only once. It may be the free-thinking, independent nature of the place perhaps but in a town of less than 1500 it has 2 IGAs, 3 Pubs (middle pub has burned down again recently though), 2 service stations, a varying number of cafes between 3-5 (plus 1 pub), a varying number of art galleries of about the same number or more, 2 real estate agents, 2 funky gourmet restaurants (plus one pub), 2 car mechanics and 2 small engine mechanics, 3 primary schools (including the independent on the outskirts), 2 funky art-fashion import shops, 2 footy ovals, 2 butchers, 2 banks (hopefully soon with Bendigo community),.......... but only ever one pie shop which kept going out of business. Dammit.
Gee I miss the place. Closest thing to home I've had. But I sold my house there in Feb. so the cord is cut.
'tibboh' - would I know you? I worked in the online centre in 2007 with Susan FMR. Apart from that and the HAEG exhibition I didn't get out much.
How is the town going?
Steve H