maddog wrote:Lake Pedder was our Hetchy Hetchy Hallu. Are resorts preferable to the extraction of natural resources because they are compatible with disney environmentalism? ... fault.aspx ... fault.aspx
maddog wrote: But environmentalism in Tasmania, from Lake Pedder to the demise of Gunns, has not been driven by the 'grass-roots' desire of Tasmanians, but from the blinkered view of mainlanders imposing political leadership over the democratic decisions of local communities. To mainlanders, Tasmania is holiday island, a disney fantasy, maintained to satisfy the consciences of people who do not live with reality.
Gadgetgeek wrote: Personally I think Australia made a mistake letting resource extraction have a hand in how hot to run the economy,
maddog wrote:Forestry also maintains practical skills and knowledge within rural communities. The skills of foresters are useful when dealing with issues such as weeds, vegetation and fire control. Maintaining the availability of these skills in rural communities is important as we cannot rely on pensioners or feminised environmental activists to provide much help with practical land management. While a few such individuals may be enthused, the majority are not. Anyhow, they generally lack the capability to be of much help.
stepbystep wrote:maddog wrote:Forestry also maintains practical skills and knowledge within rural communities. The skills of foresters are useful when dealing with issues such as weeds, vegetation and fire control. Maintaining the availability of these skills in rural communities is important as we cannot rely on pensioners or feminised environmental activists to provide much help with practical land management. While a few such individuals may be enthused, the majority are not. Anyhow, they generally lack the capability to be of much help.
But I'm too much of a feminised environmentalist to bite too deep on this one
north-north-west wrote: There's is nothing so insulting to the female portion of the population as the use of 'feminised' or equivalent terms as generalised insults, however veiled.
maddog wrote:NNW,
I could express faux outrage at being called 'ugly', 'lazy', 'ignorant', an 'industry stooge', 'patronising', 'condescending' and a 'jerk'. But these descriptions may be viewed as either expressions of endearment or distractions from substantive argument. So I shan't.
maddog wrote: When compared to the damage caused by tourism forestry is almost benign
maddog wrote: The good news is both forestry and mining are here to stay. There is no evidence of an imminent collapse of the markets. Along with agriculture, both form part of a well balanced economy in a nation such as Australia.
Forestry also maintains practical skills and knowledge within rural communities. The skills of foresters are useful when dealing with issues such as weeds, vegetation and fire control. Maintaining the availability of these skills in rural communities is important as we cannot rely on pensioners or feminised environmental activists to provide much help with practical land management. While a few such individuals may be enthused, the majority are not. Anyhow, they generally lack the capability to be of much help.
walkon wrote: especially when its undeveloped.
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