Trail camera

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Re: Trail camera

Postby Mark F » Mon 21 Sep, 2020 6:57 pm

I finally purchased a trail camera after several years of not being able to justify the purchase. $42.50 and pretty standard spec

Looking forward to seeing what is eating my vegies.
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Mark F
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Re: Trail camera

Postby commando » Tue 22 Sep, 2020 12:48 am

I had something similar for $85, the battery drain was high and 8 AA batteries, i found it was recording movement for the slightest thing, maybe the wind,
and every day i had 40, 6 minute videos to scroll through and watch, i gave up in the end, it stopped working so it went in the bin.
I hope you have better luck i was looking for foxes and didn't find one but i knew they were there as i found a feral cat dragging
off a dead rabbit, so i buried it and the next day it was dug up and gone.
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