wayno wrote:radio waves can damage the health,, i'd be more worried if i had to work at the pinnacle centre. the odd visit isnt likely to affect your health
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Gets pretty cold and nasty up there, im not sure the average tourist would even WANT to get out of the car 75% of the time!!
Happy Wanderer wrote:For instance, why put walker registration facilities at the Pinnacle when the logical site is the Springs from where the majority of tracks leave, or through which walkers pass on their way to higher level tracks? Only two of the multitude of tracks on Mt Wellington are located anywhere near the Pinnacle.
Strider wrote:Perhaps a step towards developing that multi-day walk that was proposed a little while ago?
Strider wrote:But what impact do you see the PC might have on bushwalkers? Any?
Happy Wanderer wrote:Strider wrote:But what impact do you see the PC might have on bushwalkers? Any?
The details of the proposed Pinnacle Centre are so fuzzy it is impossible to really say. Where would it be located? What size would it need to be to cater for the numbers that MWCC claims it could carry (800 per hour)? I would have serious concerns about the weight of numbers and the potential for issues such as littering and degradation of the pinnacle area vegetation.
I have been snow-shoeing near the summit in the morning before the crowds arrive and had clear views over to Mt Arthur with waterfalls of cloud tumbling down through the saddle - it would be awful to have that view interrupted by more man-made structures, and until I see what is proposed, like everyone else, I have to make assumptions.
vagrom wrote:The MWCC's website is very professionally presented. They clearly mean business. But then:
"No 'Scar' here! Don't buy the lies. ...It's 1950's socialist Russia, with a killer view."
Leaving out tacky bits like this might help their cause.
doogs wrote:They must be wanting to get this project up and running on the 'build it and they will come' theory ...
Strider wrote:I am also a regular user and lover of Mt Wellington. However, I think I would be more happy to let the crowds have Mt Wellington instead of some of the other more spectacular parts of our state.
Mt Wellington is Hobart's biggest tourist attraction, but both Hobart and the tourists are missing out. The game does need to be lifted somewhat.
north-north-west wrote:doogs wrote:They must be wanting to get this project up and running on the 'build it and they will come' theory ...
The thing is, they won't.
People who are already in Hobart for whatever reason will use it, many visitors to the island would probably be interested enough to detour down to have a ride (once) if they hear about it, but no-one's going to go all the way to Southern Tassie from elsewhere in the world, or even from the mainland, just for a cable-car ride, however pretty the view is.
The plan allows for a visitor centre, interpretation centre, viewing shelter cafe, restaurant and take-away food premises,
stepbystep wrote:For those interested. A public forum.
Respect the Mountain - No Cable Car
Presents: A Public Forum Q&A
Alternatives to a Cable Car on Mt Wellington (Kunanyi)
At Hobart Town Hall on Wednesday 26 February from 12.30 - 1.30pm
Guest Speakers:
Scott Bacon
Cassy O'Connor
Elise Archer
Geoff Law
& a representative from the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
For further information please call Jason Turvey 0415 678 548
ENTRY IS FREE - Gold coin donations welcome.
Strider wrote:There has been a proposal put forward for a multi a day walk from the pinnacle to the snowy range.
tastrax wrote:Strider wrote:There has been a proposal put forward for a multi a day walk from the pinnacle to the snowy range.
I think this has now been dropped in favour of just walks on the mountain. I will see if I can find the report from the investigating committee
north-north-west wrote:Pity. A walking track that went all the way over Wellington, the Snowy & Jubilee Ranges, Mueller and The Needles would have been wonderful. As long as they kept the horse riders and mountain bikers off it, of course.
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