Perth - Hobart roadtrip Jan 2012 (Lots of pictures!)

So I've finally gotten around to editing some of the photos from the roadtrip which my partner and I made in January of this year... Which means I'm going to make you fine walking folk suffer them! Mostly because I'm avoiding study I should be doing, but also because I'm bored and haven't anything better to do. What a promising introduction!
So the basic premise of this trip was to move my partner from her then home in Perth, WA back to little old Hobart town, on account of she missed me terribly and couldn't possibly live without me (also known as she got a job here).
With neither of us ever having done a great deal of long distance driving, certainly not of the order that was required, we approached the trip with more than a little trepidation. We had allowed ourselves roughly 7-8 days to make it from Perth to Melbourne, where we were due to catch the boat. The plan was to head down through the south of WA, Albany, Esperance etc, and then swing back up through Norseman and across the Nullarbor, and more or less make it up from there.
Anyway, this is boring if I'm just talking all the time, so I'll shutup and put some photos up for a bit instead

D1-7 by bigggbird, on Flickr
So apparently the Indian and Southern Oceans meet out there. Somewhere.

D1-P4 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D1-10 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-P12 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-5 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-11 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-16 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-18 by bigggbird, on Flickr
Ok, so they were from days 1 and 2, which saw us still in WA. Day 1 had us travelling to Albany via Cape Leeuwin and Margaret River. Cape Leeuwin was great, we could see where (apparently) the Indian and Southern Oceans meet, which is kinda cool, even if I couldn't actually see anything (could you tell?). We weren't 100% impressed with Albany, but we arrived late, nobody around... So probably not the best time to judge! Day 2 saw us leaving our roadside campsite (trucks roaring past overnight and all...) and heading for Esperance, which we both thoroughly enjoyed! We both decided that we'll move there someday, which is a big step for me, considering my aversion to the heat! Lucky there are plenty of beaches to cool off at
Might as well break this up into a few posts to make it more readable I guess.
So the basic premise of this trip was to move my partner from her then home in Perth, WA back to little old Hobart town, on account of she missed me terribly and couldn't possibly live without me (also known as she got a job here).
With neither of us ever having done a great deal of long distance driving, certainly not of the order that was required, we approached the trip with more than a little trepidation. We had allowed ourselves roughly 7-8 days to make it from Perth to Melbourne, where we were due to catch the boat. The plan was to head down through the south of WA, Albany, Esperance etc, and then swing back up through Norseman and across the Nullarbor, and more or less make it up from there.
Anyway, this is boring if I'm just talking all the time, so I'll shutup and put some photos up for a bit instead

D1-7 by bigggbird, on Flickr
So apparently the Indian and Southern Oceans meet out there. Somewhere.

D1-P4 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D1-10 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-P12 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-5 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-11 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-16 by bigggbird, on Flickr

D2-18 by bigggbird, on Flickr
Ok, so they were from days 1 and 2, which saw us still in WA. Day 1 had us travelling to Albany via Cape Leeuwin and Margaret River. Cape Leeuwin was great, we could see where (apparently) the Indian and Southern Oceans meet, which is kinda cool, even if I couldn't actually see anything (could you tell?). We weren't 100% impressed with Albany, but we arrived late, nobody around... So probably not the best time to judge! Day 2 saw us leaving our roadside campsite (trucks roaring past overnight and all...) and heading for Esperance, which we both thoroughly enjoyed! We both decided that we'll move there someday, which is a big step for me, considering my aversion to the heat! Lucky there are plenty of beaches to cool off at

Might as well break this up into a few posts to make it more readable I guess.