Two Whales in Derwent

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Two Whales in Derwent

Postby creeping_moses » Thu 14 Jun, 2012 2:36 pm

Just thought I would let interested people know that there are two large whales currently making their way up (towards town) the Derwent in Hobart.

A Parks ranger was just down at my place near Cartwright Point reserve on the Taroona/Sandy Bay border trying to spot them as they made their way up the river (he had chased them from the south). I had seen them before he arrived, but we couldn't spot them again. They will likely be visible around Sandy Bay/town most likely, and will eventually turn around.

The ranger said they are likely southern right whales, as he had two of those yesterday further east.
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Re: Two Whales in Derwent

Postby Tortoise » Thu 14 Jun, 2012 3:45 pm

Thanks for posting!
Wish it was this time last week :( but have let friends know :)
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