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What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:40 am
by bushwalker zane
Hello all!

It's my birthday today, and I got to thinking. There are people from all walks of life that do this thing. Bushwalk, enjoy the outdoors etc. I was wondering what kind of age everyone is? I know not many people my age are interested it the great outdoors, which makes me sad.

So, how old are you? :)

I just turned 20 today by the way! :D

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 12:30 pm
by dee_legg
Happy Birthday!

I'm 21.

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 1:03 pm
by Snowzone
Happy Birthday Zane.

Um yes well double your age then add a little more :wink: which would probably make me 45.
I wish I had started walking when I was your age.

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 1:04 pm
by anne3
43 but in my mind I am 23......

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 1:24 pm
by bushwalker zane
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Snowzone wrote:I wish I had started walking when I was your age.

Haha, never too late to start. Although, I had a very early start as a tott! :lol: As long as the mind and body is willing, there is adventure to be had!

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 1:37 pm
by Snowzone
bushwalker zane wrote:Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Snowzone wrote:I wish I had started walking when I was your age.

Haha, never too late to start. Although, I had a very early start as a tott! :lol: As long as the mind and body is willing, there is adventure to be had!

Yes very true, its never too late. I've certainly spent the last 10 years enjoying as many walks as I can fit in. And the mind is always willing, even if the body is a bit slow to catch on. Oh yes and there are many more adventures in me yet. :D

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 1:40 pm
by stepbystep
Happy birthday Zane!

I'm 38 with a mental age that varies depending on the weather 8) :roll: :shock: :?

Screaming for a poll this topic! :lol:

Re: What age are you in?

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 1:45 pm
by bushwalker zane
stepbystep wrote:Screaming for a poll this topic! :lol:

:shock: I was thinking of doing that when I thought up this topic in the shower, but subsequently forgot when I actually made one!I'll edit one in! :lol:

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 2:00 pm
by creeping_moses
G'day Zane,

As another young bloke like yourself (I'm 19), I think there are plenty of people our age interested in bushwalking! I have met and become friends, often good friends, with a number of people around our age when out bushwalking. Many of my friends are very interested in walking also, and often ask for info on walks or ask if I and other walking friends I have am keen to do the Overland Track as a group (its always the Overland Track!). So I guess I've found that the best way to meet other younger people walking is to go out and do it!

My first ever proper bushwalk I did was when I was 16; over Easter, I and 2 other mates went out to Frenchmans. I thought we would be 3 young jokers surrounded by older and experienced groups but in the end we met up with a group of other guys and girls also from Hobart who were doing the same walk as us, to Irenabyss. It was an awesome time and we all became good friends; now I study at uni with one of the girls I met at Frenchmans, and another is joining us after deferring for a year to go travelling. Also of note on this trip was the kindness and friendliness of an older guy we met at Lake Tahune, who had done the walk countless times and was a classic hardman. He shared some great tales and advice on the area, and also showed us some interesting locations in the park to check out, which we have on more recent trips back to Frenchmans. As first time walkers back then, things like this were vital in ensuring we had a good time and remained interested in walking. Since then I and my mates have walked countless trips around Tas and gained much of our own experience.

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 2:21 pm
by bushwalker zane
Hi Creeping moss!

Yeah, I didn't mean to say there is no one our age interested in it, but just that it's not the usual thing you see younger people doing. All of my friends that are my age are into bushwalking too. It's great! I think it is a good way to spend time with great people. And, from working on the Overland Track, I have noticed a lot of 20 somethings walking it too. So I guess my statement was a bit over the top :oops:

Haha *eats hat*

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 2:40 pm
by shazcol
Happy Birthday Zane,

My birthday is on Thursday and I'll be 44 the other half will be 46 in August. I only started seriously bushwalking a couple of years ago but have managed quite a few walks over this time....Overland track last week, Lake Rhona about 6 weeks ago. I have never felt better, thinner or fitter thanks to bushwalking although I do find I ache a little longer now :wink:

Have a good one!

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 2:43 pm
by Greenie
Zane what did it taste like?

I also started when I was a tott. Did it until I reached about your age, then took it up again a few years ago. What a stupid thing to do, giving it up.

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 4:06 pm
by bushwalker zane
Greenie wrote:Zane what did it taste like?

Rather palatable! :lol:

Ah, at least you came back though! I don't think I'd ever want to stop, so much fun! Did you just lose interest in it for a while?

shazcol wrote: My birthday is on Thursday...

Happy birthday in advanced! :D

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 4:18 pm
by Bluegum Mic
Happy Birthday Zane. Hope you've had a good one.
Im 34 years young ;-)

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 4:23 pm
by oldpiscator
This will be an interesting poll when there are a fair number of responses. You are certainly never too old. I am going on 65 and a small group of us walked into the Western lakes last March. I was certainly put to shame in terms of fitness by one of my mates who will have his 75th this year. However my main inspiration is an Aunt from Sydney who I met in Melbourne last week on her way back from a walking trip in the Centre - she turns 86 this year. A couple of years ago she did a solo backpacking trip through Vietnam and a number of other Asian destinations. What an inspiration 8)

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 4:33 pm
by bushwalker zane
oldpiscator wrote:I was certainly put to shame in terms of fitness by one of my mates who will have his 75th this year. However my main inspiration is an Aunt from Sydney who I met in Melbourne last week on her way back from a walking trip in the Centre - she turns 86 this year. A couple of years ago she did a solo backpacking trip through Vietnam and a number of other Asian destinations. What an inspiration 8)

Wow! this is great! My Grandad just turned 79 yesterday, he still gets out and about in the Tassie bush. I hope to be as active as that when I'm his age :D

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 7:09 pm
by corvus
Good post bushwalker zane :)
Our small walking group the "Strollers" range in age from 72 to 24 and cover all age demographics from the 20 to 70 years and we are happy with the age and fitness level of all (except me at the present with a cardio condition :( )

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 7:54 pm
by bushwalker zane
corvus wrote:Good post bushwalker zane :)
Our small walking group the "Strollers" range in age from 72 to 24 and cover all age demographics from the 20 to 70 years and we are happy with the age and fitness level of all (except me at the present with a cardio condition :( )

Thanks Corvus! :D

That sounds like a good group of people to walk with!

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 8:42 pm
by north-north-west
Physically, mentally, chronologically, or just 'how I feel at the moment'?
Anyway, it's considered not polite to ask a woman (especially one of my age) how old she is. Be good or I'll be after you with my walking frame!

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 8:49 pm
by bushwalker zane
Well from that speccy photo, it looks like you don't need one! :D

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 8:50 pm
by north-north-west
It's all downhill from there, sonny.

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 8:59 pm
by Graham51
Happy birthday Zane. I hope you get as much enjoyment in the bush for the next 40 years as I have for the last 40.
Also it's my brother-in-law's 50th birthday today. I took him to The Walls when he was 11 as his first overnight walk. we have had a lot of great extended walks since then. He still keeps very fit but sadly has knee problems that preclude bushwalking at the moment.

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 9:38 pm
by Explorer_Sam
I'm 15 and bushwalking is my life! I have no friends that are into bushwalking but I have a couple of friends that are into birdwatching and hunting and other outdoor pursuits and we get along well but sometimes it's hard not having anyone I can relate to. I don't usually get picked on but on rare occasions I do and everyone thinks it's a stupid interest. It's certainly a much healthier interest then most other kids these days interests though.

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:43 pm
by bushwalker zane
Graham51 wrote:I hope you get as much enjoyment in the bush for the next 40 years as I have for the last 40.

I never plan to stop! I am sure you'd have a lot of amazing stories! And happy birthday to your brother in law! :lol:

Explorer_Sam wrote:I'm 15 and bushwalking is my life!

I don't usually get picked on but on rare occasions I do and everyone thinks it's a stupid interest. It's certainly a much healthier interest then most other kids these days interests though.

I have seen you around the forum! Good work mate! I used to get picked on for doing it when I was your age too, but now I have a job from it and everyone I tell about it consider me very lucky to be working doing what I love! Keep on trekking young man! :D

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 10:44 pm
by bushwalker zane
Thanks everyone for filling in the poll! Let's keep them rolling in and see if we can find the average age of the trekkers of Aus! :D

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jun, 2012 11:47 pm
by Strider
I'm 27, have dabbled in a few walks here and there. Want to get into it a lot more often than I currently do, but finding time is a major hurdle these days!

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jun, 2012 9:57 am
by doogs
I turned 36 a couple of weeks ago which means I have been going walking for about 30 years now!! Some years not much at all and others lots, luckily I have been doing a fair amount in the last 2-3 years :). Now it is time to pass on my passion for the outdoors to my kids, who are 2 and 5 years old, as my parents did for me when I was growing up on the other side of the world :D

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jun, 2012 10:28 am
by bushwalker zane
doogs wrote:I turned 36 a couple of weeks ago which means I have been going walking for about 30 years now!! Some years not much at all and others lots, luckily I have been doing a fair amount in the last 2-3 years :). Now it is time to pass on my passion for the outdoors to my kids, who are 2 and 5 years old, as my parents did for me when I was growing up on the other side of the world :D

Oh wow! I hope they love it as much as you do! I'm sure they will. Where are you originally from? Hmm.. Maybe that would make another interesting poll: Where in the world do you hail from? :lol:

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jun, 2012 5:58 pm
by Explorer_Sam
bushwalker zane wrote:I have seen you around the forum! Good work mate! I used to get picked on for doing it when I was your age too, but now I have a job from it and everyone I tell about it consider me very lucky to be working doing what I love! Keep on trekking young man! :D

When I finish school, I would really like to get a job from it. It's my passion and all my dreams and aspirations are hopefully going to come true in the outdoors. I hope to make some like-minded friends to do walks and expeditions with me. I've met some really nice walkers and it's good to know some like-minded people and have people to learn from, but so far none in my age group. Happy birthday for yesterday and thank you for the support.

Re: What age are you in? POLL!

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jun, 2012 6:08 pm
by bushwalker zane
Explorer_Sam wrote: I would really like to get a job from it.

There are lots of really great qualifications you can get from places like TAFE. I have a few under my belt, and they are great! Very fun too! :D