The categories of time from the ABS site makes it easier to understand why reported free time is so small, - 'Commited Time' :
"Aas (1982) proposed a typology which identified four categories of time:
1.Necessary time: includes activities which serve basic physiological needs such as sleeping, eating, personal care, health and hygiene.
2.Contracted time: includes paid work and regular education. Activities within this category have explicit contracts which control the periods of time in which they are performed. These activities, therefore, constrain the distribution of other activities over the rest of the day.
3.Committed time: describes activities to which a person has committed him/herself because of previous acts or behaviours or community participation such as having children, setting up a household or doing voluntary work. The consequent housework, care of children, shopping or provision of help to others are committed activities. In most cases, services could be bought to provide the same activity (eg an exchange could be made of time for money). The unpaid work activities which are identified in the satellite national accounts are all committed time activities.
4.Free time: the amount of time left when the previous three types of time have been taken out of a person's day. Many free time activities are considered as leisure, but not all. Leisure time is subjective and depends on a particular person's point of view. In fact, many activities included in committed time can be considered to be leisure time activities by some people (eg gardening, furniture making). The only way to obtain more free time is for contracts and commitments to be changed as the total time available in a day is constant."
Also, that worrying difference of 7mins Free time can be explained by the extra Necessary time women spend in the bathroom.

If I counted as Commited time all the time I spend Caring for my boys on Bushwalks, I'd have no Free time.
Geez, I work hard.