Strange Magpie behaviour

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Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby hikingoz » Tue 30 Oct, 2012 7:37 pm

Does anyone know what these magpies are doing?

weird magpies.JPG

It was about 26c and humid. These two birds were pressed hard up against the retaining wall in direct sunlight playing dead.
They both had their mouths open and were obviously hot.

When I had a closer look they stirred for a minute before going back to the strange position "playing dead".

I suspect they were hunting skinks but wonder if there is another theory??
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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby Strider » Tue 30 Oct, 2012 7:44 pm

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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby Pteropus » Tue 30 Oct, 2012 7:54 pm

At 26 degrees I would say it was just a dust bath ->

If it was particularly hot, they thermoregulate by "gullar flutttering" ->

"Birds also avoid overheating by gular fluttering, flapping the wings near the gular (throat) skin, similar to panting in mammals, since their thin skin has no sweat glands. Down feathers trap warm air acting as excellent insulators just as hair in mammals acts as a good insulator."
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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby Bluegum Mic » Tue 30 Oct, 2012 7:57 pm

I've just taken a photo of two lying on their sides holding each others feet yesterday (Im on holidays so I can't upload as they're on my camera). I figured it must have been some strange form of magpie foreplay lol
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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby hikingoz » Tue 30 Oct, 2012 9:19 pm

I don't think it was a dust bath. They were dead still pressed against the wall. I also doubt it was a result of the heat, as the position was maximising exposure to the sun. In any case either of those would be separate to the behavior I observed rather than an explanation.

Mating might be an explanation for otherwise random behavior. I guess it is the right season.
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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby Tony » Wed 31 Oct, 2012 8:33 am

I have seen this behavior a few times too, I would also be interested in finding out what they are doing, I do not think it has anything to do with mating or bathing, to me it looks more like some form of relaxation.

Check this video out, the video was done just up the road from where I work.

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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby Pteropus » Wed 31 Oct, 2012 9:22 am

They were probably basking if they were not dust bathing -> ... ing-birds/

152 Noisy pitta at Mulligan Falls camp.JPG
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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby hikingoz » Wed 31 Oct, 2012 9:44 am

Pteropus wrote:They were probably basking if they were not dust bathing -> ... ing-birds/

yep I reckon you're right Pteropus. Strange to see a bird staying in the sun on an already hot day but for whatever reason that's what they were doing.
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Re: Strange Magpie behaviour

Postby Rob A » Fri 02 Nov, 2012 5:09 pm

We used to see it quite a bit with native Noisy Miners. Scratch round on the timber balconies and seemed to get so hot they would go into a bit of a torpor. Thought they might be delousing, they seem to do it most during the super hot summer mid days. Seen magpies doing it too but not to the extent of the miners.
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